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Expats In England Blogs Directory

This is the Expats in England Blogs listing page at ExpatsBlog.com. Whilst we do try to include as many England expat blogs as possible, should you know of a blog that deserves a listing please add here.

I am an American expat mother living in England. I've been here since 1999, am married to a British man and have 3 children, all born in the UK.

A blog about my tips as a mom as a fashion addict and as an expat in London

I moved with my three kids, my dog, cat, a guitar and twenty boxes of books, from New Zealand to North Hampshire in the UK in August 2008.

A blog about an American Expat in London, England married to a Brit and exploring Europe.

An American expat from Las Vegas living in England. Trying to learn about the customs, habits and cultural differences of the English.

Started in 2012 to capture the exciting goings on in London in 2012, this blog is all about general observations, thoughts and interesting happenings in the great city of London, and in UK life in general.

After living in Estonia, US, Germany and Australia, I have now lived in London for the past 6 years.

A meandering blog from a 20-something American expat and serial traveler,transplanted from Midwestern Ohio to the southeast of England (Brighton), all for love!

We're Jon and Jess. She's a photographer, he's an accountant and together we are a pair of American-born, London-living sweethearts that love to travel and explore.

An Australian with a zest for adventure and a positive look on life. After four wonderful years in Shanghai, China my little family now finds itself in rural England looking forward to more exciting new adventures.

The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of an Expat in London (by ExplatLondon)

Girl in London, written and administrated by US-expat Cheylene Thongkham, provides practical advice and tips on settling, living and enjoying in London from a personal and uniquely American perspective.

A blog about expat life in England, travel, unconventional living, and a love of food, architecture and green living.

Australian woman and her tales about living life away from 'Down Under'

Michael Harling was born and grew up in rural, upstate New York. He's an accomplished writer and now resides in Sussex, England!

Hi my name is Kim and I have lived in England since 2006 and boy has it been a journey! I hope my tips help you get around! I only suggest places that I have been to, so that you get my honest opinion!

An American mom journals her photographs and experience of living as an expat in England.

An expat blog about "the little things" in London (by Little London Observationist). Expat in London since 2007 apart from a 6-month break in Colombia in 2011. Originally from New York. Fantastic blog, well worth a read!

We moved from New York City to London with two kids under the age of three two years ago. We have no idea what we're doing but we're having the adventures - good and bad. There's me, my husband Fen and our two children

A Canadian's view of living life abroad in London with all of Europe at her doorstep.

I'm a gal from Utah who followed my husband to Oxfordshire England, where he is working his dream job designing F1 race cars. I'm an interior designer, turned stay at home Mommy to toddler Tess

A Young{ish} Ugandan wife relocates from the Kampala potholes to the London Underground.

Travel and lifestyle blog about two newlywed expats who moved from Chicago to London.

I moved to London from LA, and am exploring the city through cooking and baking. I treat my kitchen as my personal café, so you\'ll find a lot of simple fares posted on my site, reminiscent of food served at coffee shops and cafés!

The adventures of two kiddiewinks, by their Aussie expat mum. Covers topics including parenting, family-friendly travel, reviews, anti-bullying campaigning, kids TV, social media, family fun, and more.

Former truckdriver now an obsessed runner and American expat living in the middle of England

A 20-something Canadian navigating life in Leeds, traveling Europe and writing about it.

Eli In the U.K. is a compilation of articles and personal experiences as our family of four discovers life across the Atlantic. Come share our adventure! Making the move? Hopefully this will help.

American expat now residing in Bristol, England.

The American Resident is written by Michelle Garrett, an American expat making a home in Britain for over 20 years. She is a freelance writer and is currenctly working on 2 expat guides.

My name is Caroline. I'm an American woman living in the UK with my English husband and two American-English kids. I love almost every minute of it, unless you catch me on an off-moment. But those only happen every half hour or so.

Maria and her family live in London but she's originally from Trinidad, West Indies.

Chronicling the adventures and mishaps as one couple moves from Richmond, Virginia to Central London.

What's it like to be a newly-wed to a Brit, 30-something American female living and working in London? Heck if I know-but I'm going to find out!

"America is often portrayed as an ignorant, unsophisticated sort of place, full of bible bashers and ruled to a dangerous extent by trashy television, superstition and religious bigotry.m,.

Karen is an American excpat living in London, England. In her words "During World War II it was said of American troops stationed in England that they were overpaid, oversexed, and over here. Just like me."

An American newlywed chronicles expatriate life in London, as well as travels in Austin, Boston, Paris, Hanoi and places in between.

I traded Florida's sun and sea for English tea! Follow my journey as I become an expat across the pond all while training for my first half marathon!

Mom of two. Currently living in England. Military Wife. Lover of all God's furry creatures. Contempt for a good number of people. Sometimes my life is like a car crash happening in slow motion.

The Adventures of an Eternal Tourist Living and Working in London

The adventures of an expat Californian living in London and traveling the world.

Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK

I'm an American from the Midwest married to a Brit living in the English Midlands. My life took a big change when I moved here in (mid-life).

What happens when a fortysomething New Yorker wakes up in England, the land of all things brilliant

Us three ladies originally met in Yorkshire, and bonded over clotted cream and tales about what its like to live in Britain as an American chick, late twenties, no kids, and homesick on occasion.

Excerpts for the life of an American Mom, Wife, Student, Woman, living in England. Writing about life, expat and otherwise, since 2009.

I am Elizabeth Harper, a woman who for years lived along the edges of her dreams. Along the way, I fell in love with an Englishman and my American life suddenly shifted to the Cornish coast of England.

Here at "Romanian Mum In London" - my daughter and I love to try new products and go to new places, as part of my blog I'll write up reviews of things we as a family enjoy!

Nearly rounding thirty and I'm seeking that joie de vivre by wandering throughout Europe.

Looking for adventure and awesomeness, Joe the Explorer is about exploring Europe and the UK with a bit of "gear and gadget" advice and London history thrown into the mix.

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, via Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Kym is a 40-something Aussie who has lived in the UK since January 2004.

I blog about Irishness and Englishness, the wierd prejudices we still retain about Ireland and the UK and our common quirkiness and humanity.

Lifestyle inspired by Northeastern privilege... via a flat in London, England.

... an Irish expat in London casting a cold eye on life ...and stuff

A Canadian expat living in London, England. Blogging about life, love, travel, and all things British.

I am Algerian. He is German. We met and married in France. Have been living in the North of England since 9 years, where our 3 daughters were born.

Stories from an American expat with an English husband adjusting to and enjoying life in the United Kingdom.

Blog about my life as an expat, a Third Culture Kid (TCK), and world traveler. I grew up in Europe on military bases until I was seventeen and now I am married to an American living in England with our family. Documenting our life abroad.

An American girl in the British countryside blogs about life with a new baby.

From the United States to the United Kingdom. Random chronicles of the good, bad & ugly of a self-proclaimed spinster's expatriate experiences.

Canadian expat who moved to London. Recording her journey while trying to maintain SWEET SERENITY.

Recently married. Quit my job in Oz. Moved to the UK. Miss Haighs chocolate and good wine.
This is my Blog with a lot of random thoughts and experiences of my time in Blighty.

I'm a wife, mother, daughter, friend, expat.
I love a chat.
I chat about being a wife, mother, daughter, friend and expat.
Please pop by and havachat sometime

Living the London dream; a Kiwi recording explorations in an extraordinary city. Loves include photography, reading & learning to be a foodie.

A New Yorker who turned to the English countryside. Lover of food, travel, animals, and nature... I write about my experiences as an American living in this British land.

My expat life in London with Baby Lu and Mr K. Writing about kids, life in the UK and the expat experience.

My attempt to make, perfect and customise the recipes I love! The adventures of an American baker in London

Blog about all things American in and around Oxford and Oxfordshire England.

Hi, I'm Debbie! I have relocated from Houston to New Orleans to Scotland and now London. I have no kids and no pets, but a husband who is as much as both. I hope you enjoy my ramblings of our expat adventure in the United Kingdom!

Travel blog - based in London and venture off every 6 weeks to all corners of the globe - Europe, Africa, Asia, America and New Zealand (home).

A stay-at-home mom from Indiana now living as an expat in England blogs about travels with her two young sons. She shares travel tips, family vacation memories and more.

Urban Pixxels is a lifestyle and photography blog from a Dutch expat living in London. Follow me on my quest to become a true Londoner.

Urban Mums is a lifestyle blog for London families and expats. It is written by Lindsey Phillips, an American who has lived in London since 2005. Lindsey has 3 children and shares tips, advice and favorites in the city.

This is a blog with a lot of sharing random thoughts, doubts, experiences from my UK visits and life there and any funny thing I find valuable to write about :)

American/British national blogs about travel, food, and natural beauty.

Born & raised in Texas, we found ourselves overseas in Turkey as first-time expats. Since then, life has brought us to the United Kingdom, back in English speaking land. Our blog is about our new homes and travels around the globe.

Hey, my name is Martin. I'm 37 years old Polish guy. Trying to find my way in this not always friendly (but it is friendly sometimes!) world. I've lived in UK before - few years in Birmingham, couple in Bristol. I didn't think I was going to come again, but here I am. I like this country, I feel here like home (most of the time at least), and there is so much vegetarian food everywhere, I appreciate it. I'm starting from a scratch - searching for friends, for a job, for sense, for inspiration. Let's see how it goes. Sometimes you will find darker moods here, that's me as well. I try to change melancholy into something creative. Sometimes I'm succeeding, other times I'm just whining. You are completely justified to skip those posts.

On trading stilettos for rain boots... er, wellies... and other things that happen when you move to London.

Adventures of a Canadian girl living and teaching in London England.

Ever wonder what it would be like to just pick up and start an adventure? We did. Just two regular kids from SoCal and suddenly we are Expats in London showing our 3 teenage monkeys the world.

London centric lifestyle blog with lots of photography from American freelance writer and photographer, Chris Osburn

United Cakedom: Adventures of an American in England
I explore the sweeter life in England with my British husband and 2 daughters!

Adventures of a girl and her family living life as expats in England and traveling Europe. I love Jesus, my family, traveling and blogging about those very things.

Globetrotting One Macaroon and One Latte at a Time...

Bringing adventure and appreciation to every day - I'm an American living in England with my British husband and our lovely cat. Join me as I bring adventure, richness, and appreciation to my life in and around the London.

Second Floor Flat follows an American expat and magazine writer who lives in London. Featuring travel, fashion, design, photography, and more.

Hello! I'm Jade, a London based expat originally from the sunny shores of Sydney, Australia. I write about my experiences of expat life in London, my travel adventures around the world and my love of photography.

Travel and eat with me as you follow this New Yorker in London's journeys and adventures!

Two Americans from the south, living in the UK exploring the world!

News and tours in London and UK with a special guide, friend and brother: a little bear called Teddy

A blog about travel, baking, crafting, fashion, theatre and life in England.

various stores and experiences of our time spend living in England

I moved from Upstate New York to London in 2008. After over five years, I love living in London more than ever. Something Pretty on the Side is a lifestyle and travel blog, with a regular London Guide.

Californian gal, married to a British guy. I've been living in London since 2002 and am now figuring out how to raise (and understand) two half-American/Half-British kids.

One Seattle couple and their two lovable pups embark on an unconventional adventure as they move across the pond to Cambridge, England.

Coffee talk across the pond, at teatime, usually around wine o'clock

A gluten free Aussie foodie in London, with my Husband and Baby Girl. In naps, I restock my Etsy store!!

London Expat - Traveller - Blogger - Book Lover. Writing about life in London, travel adventures for tips and inspiration.

Tales about food and travel, love of 3 cities,many pictures....handpicked from a huge stash of memories,''sliced off'' in smaller bits and set free into the ether (by manjirichitnis)

How to become an Expat in 365 Days? The blog is based on real-life experiences of two females, who are both living in London. Kitty In the City is the go-to for burning topics such as What to do when getting Lost in Translation.

I started this blog last year, but I must admit, I kind of gave up on it for a few months. I am fully back on it now, and I aim to share with you my experiences in London mostly, but not only when I get the occasion to get out of town.

A Pacific Northwest girl's adventures into the blog world documenting my time across the pond! Grab a hot cup of tea and have a little read of things I've learned, bizarre stories and pieces of advice I've brewed in my head. Enjoy!

Not just another tall blog. Because being tall is NOT all we talk about! (by Angie K)

Exploring the spidery corners of a culture and the weird stuff that tourist brochures ignore. (by Ellen Hawley)

I'm an American expat living in London for my job for 18 months. I love relocating and traveling the world.

Connie consumes food and fun in London and abroad...

A blog documenting my transition from life in New England to life in England. Posts about traveling Europe, moving abroad and adjusting to life abroad.

Polish expat living in England with French fiancé, two mischievous cats. I share my love for good food, Polish cuisine and culture on my blog.

One family's journey from life in the States to life across the pond

Letters home from London from an American doing a masters in history of art.

A Polish girl married to a Pakistani, mum to a little boy, all living in the UK. Trying to find a compromise between two cultures, while thrown into the third one.

The life and adventures of an Adelaide girl in big ol' London town, featuring theatre, food and traipsing across Europe.

The blog of American expat author/ poet Jalina Mhyana, embracing the imperfect, unfinished, and vulnerable in a spirit of quiet rebellion and aesthetic gluttony.

Five years as an expat and counting: Country hopper and foreign city explorer, I'm a Canadian expat who's lived in Brisbane, rural Ireland and recently made the move to my biggest city yet - London.

A travel blog full of tips, travel guides and London adventures.

I moved from Texas to England in 2013 to be with my husband who I met online. He travels for work and I tag along, exploring the English countryside, seaside towns and anywhere else we end up, snapping pics & blogging along the way!

Adventures of an American girl in the UK, covering topics including expat life, study abroad, and tips on the best things to do and places to go in the UK

I share our family adventures in and around London and travels abroad with our toddler, plus tips and reviews of airlines, hotels, attractions and more.

Collecting Labels is a blog about an American Expat. In the last five years Laura has lived in New Zealand, Australia and South Korea. Over the next year she will be moving between the US, the UK and (hopefully) somewhere completely new.

A London based lifestyle blog written by an American living across the pond.

Chronicles and Misadventures of an American Expat Family in London and Abroad.

American in London blogging about beauty, fashion, city life, yoga & adventures.

I'm Elizabeth - a twenty-something Melbourne media girl who moved to the UK to live the London life. MissECalwell is a blog sharing tales of my London adventures, thoughts, life lessons and inspiration.

The ups and downs of living abroad. Adventures and Naps follows the life of a Canadian in England and all the places in between. Here you'll find advice, suggestions and tips on making the most of your big move abroad!

Lifestyle, family travel and expat advice from an Australian mum of twin toddlers living in London. Follow for travel, settling in tips and more.

A lifestyle blog about anticancer, life in the UK and this and that...

My blog is about my passion for reading, but also travelling and my expat life in London.

I'm an American expat in the UK, blogging about the journey. Here I document my travels, the adventures of expat life, attempts at DIY, and home decor.

It began as a midlife crisis. I was 40, living in Auckland, and ripe for some middle-aged recklessness. I transplanted my kids and long-suffering husband first to rural New Zealand, then to London, documenting the fun and folly as we went.

This is an food, travel, and lifestyle expat blog that features efforts towards better health and habits. From Manila to London, follow my quest towards upraised living.

Sydney girl and pug heading for a 'tree change' in the English countryside. A self-confessed wine-slurping city girl with lots of high heels, no wellies and a real dread of rain. What could possibly go wrong?

This blog is about the life of a French PhD student in England, her travels around the world and her love for tea.

A blog about a Dutch 21 year old who moved to England at the age of 18 to study English and Creative Writing.

The joys and struggles of raising a child in a foreign land. I'm from Slovakia, living in the UK. I write about life abroad, parenting tips, travel and much more.

An American in London sharing photos, thoughts and tips from my adventures as an expat exploring a new country and continent. Love exploring new and familiar places alike and hope those featured will ignite your imagination and wanderlust.

Tips for Americans hoping to move to the UK. Tales of expat life and finding home abroad for students, families and pets. Travel tips and destination guides across the UK.