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A new chapter. From London with Teddy

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A new chapter. From London with Teddy
News and tours in London and UK with a special guide, friend and brother: a little bear called Teddy
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- Teddy in Shakespeare-land: Stratford Upon Avon 8 years ago Last winter, the time came to make a change.It happens like that while you are just thinking about planning your holidays for the year, the phone rings and everything changes in 5 days.You find yourself looking for a new hole, pack your stuff, call for help, and in 48 hours, puff! You are in a new...
- Seaside & Seafood: let's go to Sardinia 8 years ago This is what I call heaven on Earth: Costa Smeralda.Liscia Ruja, ArzachenaClose your eyes and imagine: Mediterranean Sea, rosemary and olive oil, blue sky and emerald water, seafood and good wine. Put a colorful straw hat on top of this: welcome to Sardinia!This is the island of one of my best...
- Lyme Park and my old friend Button 8 years ago You know already my old friend Button. I went to visit him in Manchester long ago and we had cakes and scones and tea...Well, he moved home so I went to visit him and the story remained the same: nice places and good food together!This time, we went to visit Lyme Park.Located in Disley, Cheshire,...
- Greenwich Tall Ships Festival 8 years ago This was certainly one of my favorite events in Greenwich: the Tall Ships Festival.For some reasons it made me dream.I used to wait the whole summer for the end of August, beginning of September to come and go from Cutty Sark, with its market and children entertainments, up to Woolwich with street...
- Holidays abroad: Barcelona 8 years ago And then summer came... I couldn't wait to leave my hole and fly to meet my little bear-sister in Barcelona!!!We had planned the trip in a couple of days and now it was time to enjoy the sun, the food, the art and everything this city has to offer.I think I watched Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona 10...
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- 10 Fairytale Places in and Around London Expat Blog Awards 2013 Walking around London is a wonderful experience, filled with constant twists and turns, people are always different, unique angles and details, scenes that are constantly changing. I sometimes feel like Alice in Wonderland and the city takes a...
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