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New Zealander Expats In England

If you are looking to connect with New Zealander expats in England, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs England written by New Zealander bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by New Zealander Expats Living in England

  • The Free-Range Writer
    It began as a midlife crisis. I was 40, living in Auckland, and ripe for some middle-aged recklessness. I transplanted my kids and long-suffering husband first to rural New Zealand, then to London, documenting the fun and folly as we went.
  • connie consumes...
    Connie consumes food and fun in London and abroad...
  • Big World, small me
    Travel blog - based in London and venture off every 6 weeks to all corners of the globe - Europe, Africa, Asia, America and New Zealand (home).
  • Adventures of a London Kiwi
    Living the London dream; a Kiwi recording explorations in an extraordinary city. Loves include photography, reading & learning to be a foodie.
  • Vegemite Vix
    I moved with my three kids, my dog, cat, a guitar and twenty boxes of books, from New Zealand to North Hampshire in the UK in August 2008.

Latest Expat Interviews/ Articles

  • Why So Many People Are Leaving The UK?
    The last decade has seen a significant rise in British people opting to move abroad for a better lifestyle. In 2006 an estimated 207,000 British Nationals emigrated, this is now at an all time high,...
  • Paris to London - Expat Interview With Jo
    Jo always loved moving around. She met her Austrian husband while studying in Seattle and so moved to Vienna. Together they then went on living in New York City, Tokyo and Paris, her hometown. Having...
  • Expat Interview With Vicki - NZ Expat In England
    Vegemitevix aka Vicki Jeffels is a perennial expat, having lived in the Fijian Islands, Australia, home country New Zealand and currently the United Kingdom. Whilst thousands of Brits head Down Under...

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