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Expats In Liverpool Blogs Directory

This is the Expats In Liverpool Blogs listing page. We try to include as many Liverpool expat blogs as possible, however if you know of one that could be featured please add here.

Hey, my name is Martin. I'm 37 years old Polish guy. Trying to find my way in this not always friendly (but it is friendly sometimes!) world. I've lived in UK before - few years in Birmingham, couple in Bristol. I didn't think I was going to come again, but here I am. I like this country, I feel here like home (most of the time at least), and there is so much vegetarian food everywhere, I appreciate it. I'm starting from a scratch - searching for friends, for a job, for sense, for inspiration. Let's see how it goes. Sometimes you will find darker moods here, that's me as well. I try to change melancholy into something creative. Sometimes I'm succeeding, other times I'm just whining. You are completely justified to skip those posts.