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Eli in the U.K.

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Eli in the U.K.
Eli In the U.K. is a compilation of articles and personal experiences as our family of four discovers life across the Atlantic. Come share our adventure! Making the move? Hopefully this will help.
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  • The Skinny on Bacon 8 years ago Recently, I was preparing my weekly meal plan and somehow ended up with two different recipes (from back home) that called for bacon, and one that required ham. So, off I went to the Coop to pick up said ingredients, and came face to face with an endless array of varieties and not at all what I...
  • Welcome to 2017! 8 years ago Before I start this entry, I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year! Hopefully this year will see you all safe, happy and healthy, and bring whatever projects or dreams you are working on to fruition.My dreams and projects include this blog, some short story writing on Wattpad, and outlining...
  • Holiday Hiatus 8 years ago For the past couple of weeks, I have been organizing a Christmas holiday to Southern Italy. And as with everyone else, I have also been making sure that all the details and preparations for a traditional family Christmas (our first away from home) would be ready upon our return. Much stress was...
  • Four Days in North Wales 8 years ago The last week of October was school half-term, so we took off for a week in Northern Wales. We travelled from the train station behind our house all the way to Colwyn Bay—almost a 7-hour train ride, with two changes.Outside the Colwyn Bay train station.If you're looking for a lovely Wales...
  • Changing Page Format 8 years ago I've spoken about paper sizes in the UK before, how they differ from what we are used to in Canada (and the USA). Today, I'd like to give you a quick update in case, like me, your word processing software still thinks it's in Canada...As many of you may know, I am working on writing a novel, and...

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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Eli in the U.K.

Diane Lister
20:31 PM August 14, 2017

Was just feeling a little homesick for Canada and my family and friends there. I have been here for 3 years now and am all by myself with nobody to talk of back home to. Anyway, I already feel better for reading your site and would like to say thank you !

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