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Expats In Thailand Blogs Directory

This is the Expats in Thailand Blogs listing page at ExpatsBlog.com. Whilst we do try to include as many Thailand expat blogs as possible, should you know of a blog that deserves a listing please add here.

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  • USA
A multilingual mama's attempt at raising multilingual kids in a diverse world.
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  • USA
I'm a first generation Asian American living in Asia.(Chinese-Thai to be exact!) Let's talk about teaching English as a Foreign Language, expat life, visiting & moving to Thailand.
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  • England
Hoping to build a community of like-minded, free thinking and intelligent people who have a passion for life. People who have a thirst for knowledge, adventure and who love breaking new ground; prepared to contribute by sharing thoughts, ideas and even gripes.
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  • England
A Man, Woman and Dog traveling Thailand in a classic Ford Escort Mk 1. Creating Cinematic Travel Videos about their experiences. Sacha, Jmayel & Eden left the UK to digitally capture the world in their own unique style.
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  • England
My ramblings on eating, drinking and everything in between
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  • USA
Expats in Chiang Mai, Thailand show you how to sell your stuff, quit your job, and travel abroad to beautiful places offering cheap cost of living options.
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  • England
Life on the Thai Islands and beyond! Blog about the Full Moon Party island scene by a Koh Phangan expat resident. Parties, DJs, island life and underground stories from Koh Phangan, Thailand, S E Asia.
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  • Philippines
A Filipina living a simple life in Bangkok, Thailand...stay-at-home-mom who wants to learn a lot of things and to travel the world with two wonderful kids and great partner! *smile*
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  • Ireland
Tropical Nomad is a blog about the trials and tribulations of a living location independent lifestyle while traveling the world. I share my videos, photos, travel tips and online business pursuits as I 'Travel, Be Happy and Hustle'...
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  • England
In their endeavors to become digital nomads, Martin and Ying sold everything and bought one way tickets to Thailand. Apparently digital nomads are able to survive without a traditional 9 to 5 job. Martin and Ying have read up on the theory and are now putting it into practice, come along and follow them to see if it is possible to live the dream with just a laptop and the willingness to try something new!
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  • Lebanon
Ghada Karam is a first-time mom who lives in Bangkok with her husband and her two-year old daughter. She enjoys gossiping about being a mom and about her daughter's tantrums. She thinks tantrums are great. They spice-up her day.
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  • USA
After coming to Thailand regularly for a very long time, my wife & I decided to make the Land of Smiles our permanent home, so we built a beautiful house in '07, shipped our precious belongings by slow boat, and started living full time here in 2011.
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  • England
Emma Thomas is a Muay Thai fighter living in Thailand. Under the Ropes follows her story and highlights the issues she comes across as a foreign female fighter finding her way through a male-dominated sport in its original birthplace
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  • Germany
Working, living, traveling Thailand. Land of smile unplugged. Tips, tricks, advice and lots of experiences.
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  • USA
A journalist ditches her hectic life in New York and moves with her family to Bangkok.
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  • USA
A 7-year-old American boy's take on living and going to school in Asia
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  • USA
An expat mama's record of local recipes and everyday adventures in Bangkok, Thailand. The family have since move on, but a wealth of info in their posts!
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  • England
My expat life: eating,drinking and exploring my way around Bangkok
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  • USA
In 2011 I quit my 9-5 to go travel & experience the world. I wanted different stories, problems, discoveries & connections "before it was too late". Now, 1.5 years later, I'm still living abroad & planning my next move.
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  • USA
As an expat living in Thailand since 1996, Scott Mallon has traveled extensively throughout Southeast Asia and Thailand, working as a boxing manager, trainer, and photojournalist.
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  • Peru
Blog about a Southamerican expat family in Bangkok, Thailand and their adventures with tree kids.
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  • USA
I'm Kim and this is where i ramble. A little about me: i am married to my best friend, raising two teenaged boys and finding happiness for no reason all while becoming a new expat in Thailand.
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  • Canada
After spending the last six years teaching math and graphic arts in China, my wife and I have retired to Chiang Mai to continue our love affair with Asia and all its quirks and surprises. This blog will highlight our newest adventures.
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  • England
Jamie has lived in Phuket since 1999 and blogged since 2006.
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  • USA
Somchai's apprentice goes to work with someone who has a job ( or hobby ) that seems specifically Thai in order to answer a question I ask my self so often, what are these people doing.
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  • USA
Thailand Bangkok. Living retired life to the fullest in Thailand and California.
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  • Australia
A personal and active blog on the my new life in Thailand the good and bad. Not just a list of tourist destinations but stories about REALLY living here.
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  • USA
Drinking on the job since 2008. I travel with my husband Drew and our son Cole (2.5). These are our stories. My husband and I are making a documentary! Our son is making a mess!
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  • England
A source of information and anecdotes for Thailand's expat. residents and visitors that, perhaps, you won't find in the guide books - life here as it really is for foreigners. Information, anecdotes, culture and news.
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  • USA
A blog about things to do and see around the tropical island destination of Koh Samui in Thailand by long term resident Camille Lemmens
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  • England
I came to Bangkok with my family in July 2005. We came for a job, for two years, bringing two children.
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  • Australia
From Adelaide to Perth to Spain to Melbourne to Bangkok....
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  • USA
An honest account of a small town American girl living and working in Asia for the past 2 years. Lived in South Korea and Thailand and has traveled around most of Asia, always wanting more and trying to live in the moment!
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  • England
Originally from London, but has been living in Thailand for 2 years and blogging since she stepped off the plane. She writes and takes pictures of both the good and bad of what she observes around the city.
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  • England
Bored and discontent with life in England, my boyfriend and I quit our jobs and moved to Thailand for a new adventure.
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  • Germany
Blogging random observations on Beijing since 2006 - for expats and visitors.
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  • USA
A Thai NGO gave me the opp. to research social issues, travel across tribal regions & converse with intl leaders - all while based in Chiang Mai. This is my life - the beauty, struggle, culture shock & adventure - in the charming city of CM
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  • England
I'm Elizabeth! Wife to Billy and Mum to Kaya. Freelance travel journalist and holistic life coach This blog is a place where I write about marriage, family life, holistic/natural living +travel
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  • England
Another bloody travel blog. From the proprietors of Sasperella's Story Shack (by Sasperella)
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  • Finland
Local life and images of Phuket, Thailand. Sometimes mixed with technology.
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  • Germany
Join us on journeys through Southeast Asia!
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  • England
A hub for information about Thailand including photographs, articles and resources for travellers and expats.
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  • South Africa
This is the place I present my South East Asian world and its many trinkets. You can expect yummy food, extravagant temples, flea-ridden street dogs, interesting characters and, of course, too many adventures. Welcome to my Market of Eden.
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  • England
A British couple write about their explorations and adventures in and around Chiang Mai and their experiences teaching English to excitable Thai teenagers.
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  • USA
Come read about my experiences teaching and living in Thailand. I'll share my impressions, successes, and struggles, and I'll be brutally honest in doing so. What I feel is what you'll read. And I post lovely photos as well :)
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  • USA
The Trading Traveler follows an American couple that traded it all to follow their dream and see the world. They are currently living in Chiang Mai with the goal of traveling SE Asia on their trusty Honda Forza.
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  • Malaysia
Stranger in Bangkok started off as a platform for me to give timely updates to my friends and relatives back in Singapore and Malaysia, and to also give them an insight to Thailand from an outsider's (not tourists's) perspective.
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  • England
A blog of the things that happen in Phuket and of things to see and things to do.
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  • Netherlands
25 years old crazy Thai girl, living with her crazy American boyfriend in one of the best cities in the world: BANGKOK. Enjoying life as the world explorer, tour coordinator, social media strategist and foodie.
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  • USA
We're Dan and Ashley: Newlyweds who left life in New York City for a 2-year stint in Bangkok, Thailand. Having never been to Asia, let alone Bangkok, we're off on our biggest adventure yet. Our goal is to and see one new country a month.
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  • USA
This is my personal blog in which I talk about my life abroad and I write about things that I have done and answer problems that I have encountered while living as an expat.
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  • Belgium
I'd like to show the world the beautiful sites in Uthai Thani. I also post sites of other provinces, but my focus lies in Uthai thani. I also share recipes of the food
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  • England
A former London girl, I left behind my city life to seek a simpler and more easy going existence on the idyllic Thai island of Koh Lanta.
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  • Canada
paul's ongoing twitterings about life, travel, motorsport, IT and more...
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  • Germany
My blog is about everything that interests me about Thailand. My focus is on culture, art, history & the people of Thailand but also on travelogues & food.I also very much enjoy creating all kinds of jewellery and decoupage art using traditional Thai brocade fabric.
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  • Singapore
A working mother of two currently living in an organised chaos. Has "temporarily" been living in Bangkok for over a decade. From food, to parenting and chronicling our crazy in a foreign land with work and kids.
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  • Czech Republic
Czech girl living in Thailand. Writing about everyday life in Bangkok for farang girl and about travelling around the country. Plus you can find hotel, restaurants and spa reviews, tips for trips and much more on my multilingual blog.
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  • England
In December 2014 I emigrated to Bangkok, Thailand from the UK with my husband. My blog documents our adventures, everyday life and travels as we discover the city and settle into expat life in one of the most amazing places in the world.
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  • Canada
2 Canadian expats who sold their crap and moved to Thailand. Travel. Food. Making dreams happen.
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  • England
Udon Thani themed Thailand blog with reviews on Udon Thani nightlfe, hotels, restaurants, things to do and the latest Udon Thani news.
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  • USA
This blog is a diary of one American family's year abroad in Chiang Rai, Thailand.
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  • England
The personal blog of an English expat living in Thailand with a young family.
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  • France
Learn more the life of an expat in Bangkok as well as bars, clubs, festivals and all sorts of cool things in Thailand and around the world.
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  • USA
I use observations and reflections to write a type of poetic prose + a few photos. The writing attempts to capture the essence of simple experiences better than photos alone, striving for simplicity.
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