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British Pawsibilities

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British Pawsibilities
One Seattle couple and their two lovable pups embark on an unconventional adventure as they move across the pond to Cambridge, England.
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- Fall in England 10 years ago As winter is soon upon us, I thought I'd share some snapshots of beautiful fall here in the UK before it's too late. Some of these were taken during my work day while driving through little villages. And these were from a recent walk into town...On another fall-related note, apparently canned...
- Our Week in Wales 10 years ago I've had a romantic notion of renting a cottage on the coast of Wales for quite some time. In the beginning of October, we packed up the car, including every last dog necessity, and road-tripped over to Pembrokeshire Coast of Wales. This was a special vacation since Fira and Dexter came along too....
- Country Walks 10 years ago My absolute favorite part of living in England is the countryside. Jason and I love going on peaceful walks with the dogs, reflecting on our time here and seeing them experience so much excitement with all of the country smells.Fira tries to blend in with the cows. Dexter loves the drive into the...
- Breathtaking Norway 10 years ago Norway was probably the most incredible place we have visited yet. Call me crazy, but the outdoorsy, naturally beautiful Nordic country is just as exciting as a sandy beach in Spain. Norwegians have a lot of pride for their country and certainly do not take it for granted. They keep themselves...
- Dover Castle and The Cliffs of Dover 10 years ago The town of Dover is on the southeast coast of England, about an hour southeast of London. With a huge, historically significant castle and gorgeous white cliffs, the town is definitely one of England's gems. It's also where you can catch the ferry to France.Underneath the castle is a series of...
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