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Postcards From Across the Pond

Postcards From Across the Pond
Michael Harling was born and grew up in rural, upstate New York. He's an accomplished writer and now resides in Sussex, England!
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Website Reviews » There are 3 reviews on Postcards From Across the Pond

Expat Mum
15:36 PM October 27, 2012

I love reading Mike's blog as he talks about things that I would never even know about - like "herfing in the rain". His wry sense of humo(u)r makes every post that much more entertaining too.

Michelle | The American Resident
09:54 AM November 02, 2012

Mike's writing captures an essence of expat life that is different from most expat blogs. He writes as a happily surprised participant in his host culture--there is always something around the corner that delights him, whether a small discovery or a large experience. He is optimistic but balanced, he never gushes but never complains so loudly that the reader wants to click away. I find myself frequently nodding in agreement at his cleverly worded insights, knowing I could never have phrased it so well myself. A fantastic writer!

Smitten By Britain
14:18 PM November 02, 2012

As you can read from the blog excerpts above Mike is one of the funniest writers around. I sound like a broken record now but I always refer to him as the new Bill Bryson which I'm sure he never tires of hearing. I've read two of Mike's books and met him in person- all three were real treats. I've passed his books along to my friends because they are so funny and relatable and so is his blog! I used to be an expat in England so I find myself reminiscing about that time thru Mike's blog posts. If you want an authentic taste of expat life, read Postcards from Across the Pond.

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