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London Loves

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London Loves
Letters home from London from an American doing a masters in history of art.
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- Tabled 9 years ago For your consideration: ta·bleˈtābəl/verbpast tense: tabled; past participle: tabledUSpostpone consideration of."I'd like the issue to be tabled for the next few months"synonyms: postpone, delay, defer, sideline, put on the back burner "the council tabled the rezoning issue until...
- Things I've Learned in London, Part III 9 years ago ...I'm back! And going to catch up on all those updates I promised, starting with a listicle because it's easier. Which brings us to our first point:It's easy to get lazy about leaving your postcode, but do it; you won't regret it. Go beyond the local pub every now and then,...
- Leaving 9 years ago Sometimes we have to leave places and people we love. Sometimes our visas (and funds...) run out. And sometimes, for a brief moment, we recognize how incredibly fortunate we are for having had so many bright and wonderful experiences packed into one short and powerful year. I...
- Scotland's For Me! 9 years ago ...As Belle and Sebastian would say. (And if you like that, try this song.) So, I'm officially a master now - graduation was last week, and it was great to see everyone together before the unfortunate scattering around the globe of great and talented friends. Thank...
- Cats and Croatia 9 years ago There are a lot of cats in Croatia. Just out and about. I had a beautiful vacation - and knee-recuperation from the St. Cuthbert's hike - with some friends for our last...
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