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Expat Blog Awards 2013 - Top List Writing Contest
23/12/13: Thanks to everyone involved. A truly remarkable standard from every single expat blogger! The winners have been now been published. See the Expat Blog Awards 2013 winners list and read all the Expat Top List contest entries here
*** Win a share of 10 prizes totalling $2,500 and 350+ Top Blog Awards! ***
After our hugely successful Expat Blog Awards 2012 last year, we thought we’d take a different spin on this year's awards! Realising that last year’s scenario would be unfair to recently-joined newer bloggers, we've decided to combine the Expat Blog Awards 2013 with a big expat writing contest! There's a chance to win not only a Top Blog Award for your expat country, but also one of 10 prizes with total prize money in Amazon vouchers of $2,500! Open to all 2,000+ expats who have a blog listed with us, we're looking for a great top list on the expat country/area/city you're living in!
Remember, open to BLOG LISTING HOLDERS ONLY! Entries need to be uniquely written by you for this writing contest (i.e. unpublished elsewhere, so don't publish on your blog!) and submitted to us between the open and close dates detailed below.

Competition Details:
Top Expat Blog Awards and Top Country Prize:
- For every country, the highest number of (published) reader contest comments will determine the top 3 entries, awarding them the gold, silver and bronze Expat Blog Awards 2013 badges! That's over 350 awards to be won!
- The Top Country Prize will go to the gold, silver and bronze winners of the country that has the highest number of combined contest reader comments. The prize of $1,200 (Amazon vouchers) will be shared equally between the winners. Help your expat country win!
- Simply send your readers over to your contest entry on ExpatsBlog.com, get them to post a great comment explaining why your entry should win, and spread the word by sharing/liking on Facebook, Twitter and other social websites.
Other Prizes:
7 additional prizes of Amazon Gift Vouchers!
- Our favourite wins $600 (ExpatsBlog judges)
- 1st Runner-up wins $300 (ExpatsBlog judges)
- 2nd Runner-up wins $100 (ExpatsBlog judges)
- One randomly picked winner (sweepstakes) wins $75
- Entry with highest number of Tweets wins $75.
- Entry with most Facebook likes wins $75.
- Entry with our overall favourite reader comment wins $75 (ExpatsBlog judges)
What is the Topic?
We want you to write a Top List for the country/area/city you're now living in as an expat. If you have recently repatriated, it is fine to write about the expat country you were living in. We're looking for a great mix of creativity and interesting/useful information.
Examples could be "Top 10 cultural differences between France and England", "Top 10 Reasons I love being an Expat in Thailand", "Top 10 Expat Hangouts in Amsterdam", "Top 15 Things to Know Before Moving to New Zealand", "Top 10 Tips for Expat Living in Barcelona" and "Top 10 Places to Eat in Dubai Recommended for Expats". The more creative the better!
You may provide a few relevant links, although these may be moderated. If we have our new system up and running in time, you will be able to upload images and attach to your contest entry.
How do I Submit:
Entries are to be accepted from 4 December - 11 December 2013.
We built a new system to allow you to register your contest entry and submit your contest entry. Click here to Register Your Entry.
Please use Firefox/Chrome to complete your submission. Some bloggers have had issues with IE/Safari.
Contest Terms:
- Open to expat bloggers who have a blog listing on ExpatsBlog.com.
- Recently repatriated blog listing holders may enter so long as they are writing about the expat country they were in.
- One entry per author.
- Restricted to one Amazon prize per entry; in the event that an entry qualifies to win 2 prizes, the greater value prize will be awarded!
- Minimum word count: 500, maximum 2000.
- Entries must be previously unpublished elsewhere online (don't publish on your blog!)
- Where entries are judged by the ExpatsBlog.com team, judging factors include usefulness of information, originality and creativity. Our favourite wins!
- Deadline for entries: 11 December 2013.
- Entries published for public reading, comments and social sharing: 16 December 2013 (provisional date depending on quantity of last minute entries)
- Contest concludes: 20 December 2013, 21:00 GMT (with winners announced within a few days)
- Copyright remains with the author, but ExpatsBlog.com has the unrestricted right to publish the entries on this website.
- We reserve the right to refuse an entry.
- To comment, readers must be logged in as a user on ExpatsBlog.com; non-users will need to provide email verification.
- Reader comments will be moderated before publishing. We're looking for sentences, not just "Great" etc. so minimum number of words: 10. Negative comments won't be published.
- Reader comment/Tweet/FB counts will be assessed on contest close.
Contest Comments » There are 105 comments

Michelle wrote 11
years ago:
I'm hoping to get an entry together, although coming from a huge ex-pat country, I'm not sure where I'll fall in comments. Either way, it's a fun challenge!

Sarah wrote 11
years ago:
I wanna play!

Pecora Nera wrote 11
years ago:
Cultural differences between Italy and England? There are cultural differences between one Italian village and another village 20 km away... I might have some fun with this. :)

Crystal wrote 11
years ago:
Sounds like fun and a great opportunity. Count me in!

Krista wrote 11
years ago:
How exciting! I'll be submitting :)

Rafiqua wrote 11
years ago:
Sounds fun :)

Amanda @AWalkOnTheRun wrote 11
years ago:
Such a great idea! I'll definitely submit something :) Looking forward to reading everyone's entries!!

Bex wrote 11
years ago:
Yup - I'll also have a go at promoting my adopted country!

Chelsea wrote 11
years ago:
I'll submit!

Will wrote 11
years ago:
I will be entering from Mexicooooo City!!! Good luck everyone

21st Century Mummy wrote 11
years ago:
This is a really great idea. I won the bronze expat blog award for Singapore last year and I'm looking to beat it (maybe!)

Steve wrote 11
years ago:
I'll give it a shot!

Lani wrote 11
years ago:
Yes, thanks, processing/brainstorming/hmmm...

Abby wrote 11
years ago:
I'll be entering - need to start planning stat!

EmmaK wrote 11
years ago:
I will give this a whirl! I love a challenge Emma

Kathryn wrote 11
years ago:
I am totally into this!

Cordelia Rojas wrote 11
years ago:
Definitely participating!

Nomad Notions wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in! :)

James King wrote 11
years ago:
Take the gloves off. I'm in training already. Looking forward to the contest.

Jeannaz wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in :) South Africa needs someone to speak for the country. ;)

Chamisa wrote 11
years ago:
Looks great, count me in!

Allisom wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!

Susannah wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in! Come on Mexico, let's do it! :)

Michael wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to participating!

Rachel wrote 11
years ago:
Looks like fun! I'm in!

Nathalie wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in too! I'll try to come up with a list for San Diego ;)

Kristin wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in!

Jessica wrote 11
years ago:
Awesome, I'll submit an entry! Hm, the list is endless for Thailand...

Britt wrote 11
years ago:
I'll submit an entry for sure :)

Sarah wrote 11
years ago:
Sounds great, count me in!

Writergem wrote 11
years ago:

Jill wrote 11
years ago:
For blogs in China, it seems bit unfair to use twitter and facebook as criterion for winning considering how both sites are blocked in China.

Heidi @ WagonersAbroad wrote 11
years ago:
Okay, sounds like fun. Now I just need to see if I can get creative!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
PS. If you are entering we would love to know via email/comment or Twitter/Facebook etc! Speak soon :)

Marcellina wrote 11
years ago:
I will be submitting an entry for the competition. Thanks for the opportunity!

Nicole wrote 11
years ago:
What a great idea! I will try to come up with a fun list from Vienna, Austria!

Jenny wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to entering, not done so for a while, good luck everybody :)

Simon wrote 11
years ago:
I'll have a little go, sounds great!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
@Michelle You never know, everyone might be thinking the same thing! :)

Rika | Cubicle Throwdown wrote 11
years ago:
I will be entering! Great contest! Looking forward to seeing all the entries :)

Joanna wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!

Kathleen wrote 11
years ago:
I'll bite. I would be happy to submit something.

Catherine wrote 11
years ago:
I'm also in! catinitaly

Bennett wrote 11
years ago:
Definitely looking forward to this contest!

Val wrote 11
years ago:
I'll join in too :)

Becky The Great wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in!

Kaho wrote 11
years ago:
I would like to give it a try although I've only been to our new city for 3 months. I have to spend some time to think about what I can write.

Vicki wrote 11
years ago:
Sounds fun! Are photos allowed?

Gail At Large wrote 11
years ago:
I've only been here less than 7 weeks, but I'll come up with a list!

Crazyinkuwait wrote 11
years ago:
Looking for my second Gold medal!

Vanessa wrote 11
years ago:
A great opportunity to start to write for the blog and get to know some other expats involved with the site. I would love to share more about my home away from home Menorca Looking forward to reading some the entries from others!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
@Vicki - right now we're going to say no, it really does depend on whether we get some of the new system developed in time. It will say on this webpage when we update with submission instructions :)

Rachel wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in too!

Melinda, Schoutens wrote 11
years ago:
We might just give it a go!

Weng wrote 11
years ago:
please count me in.

3rdCultureChildren wrote 11
years ago:
Greetings from [currently!] La Paz, Bolivia! It was great participating last year [and bringing home that nice badge!], so, I'll be repeating the participation this year. Just waiting for more guidance on the submissions... Saludos from one of highest [in altitude!] expat blogs!!

Expat With Kids In Dublin wrote 11
years ago:
I'll also participate - looking forward to writing... and reading!

Tarana Khan wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to being part of this amazing contest! Count me in.

Chinaelevatorstories wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!

Alissa wrote 11
years ago:
This sounds like fun! I'll definitely participate! Thanks for the opportunity!

Aimee wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in!

Alexa wrote 11
years ago:
I want to participate.

Polly wrote 11
years ago:
Hi, I will definitely be entering in this competition!

Gediminias wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!

Reeta wrote 11
years ago:
Thinking cap on, looking forward to the challenge!

Reeta wrote 11
years ago:
Thinking cap on, looking forward to the challenge!

Clare wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to it....

Kathleen wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in too!

Greg wrote 11
years ago:
If I get some other major projects done in time I will definitely enter. My entry will probably be about the best hot springs in the region of Japan that I live in. Why? I am addicted to hot springs. Please read hotspringaddict.blogspot.jp.

Tatiana wrote 11
years ago:
I'm really looking forward to entering.

Mike wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!

Kaelene wrote 11
years ago:
I´m in! Top List for Reykjavik Iceland coming your way:)

Constance wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in!!

Laura wrote 11
years ago:
I'm up for the challenge also! Count me in!

Lisa wrote 11
years ago:
I hope it isn't too late to show interest in this competition!

Kristy wrote 11
years ago:
Hope to submit a list from Los Angeles!

Mrs. Chasing The Donkey wrote 11
years ago:
I hope I can remember to write this - it sounds like fun.

Pallavi wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to entering the contest from sunny Singapore! Best of luck everyone :)

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
@Jill, only 2/10 prizes (total $150 of the $2500) are based on social scores.

Sam Chiodo wrote 11
years ago:
Keen to enter should be fun

Regina Landor wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in.

Greg wrote 11
years ago:
I'll be there with my list about Italy! Looking forward to it.

Nicole wrote 11
years ago:
I'm in! Thanks for the opportunity!

Bennett wrote 11
years ago:
Re: Social networks blocked in China - there are many ways and means (and free!) to get around this fact so that really shouldn't be an issue - I managed it in previous competitions! :)

Regina Landor wrote 11
years ago:
Any rules yet on how to submit? Thanks.

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
Announcement later day! Sorry for any delay...

Amanda Summers wrote 11
years ago:
Count me in. I didn't like the way the top blogs were done last year, but I don't really think this is the best way, either. Of course, if I win I will probably change my mind. :) It's a great opportunity to have some fun. Good luck to everyone. I love the Expatblog community and appreciate the fine work the admins do.

Bex wrote 11
years ago:
Looking forward to entering today for Greece!

Rita @ The Crafty Expat wrote 11
years ago:
This sounds like a very exciting challenge! Unfortunately, I won't be able to write an entry for this contest because I have very busy weeks at the moment having my parents coming to visit from overseas. Good luck to all the expats!

Kathleen Ralf wrote 11
years ago:

3rdCultureChildren wrote 11
years ago:
Just a brief note to let you all [especially the organizers!] know it all worked well for registering the article from our expat blog... easy, simple, fun! No problems at all! Thanks again for the opportunity, and, as suggested, I'll be twitting it to the blog's followers! Saludos from La Paz, Bolivia!

Bennett wrote 11
years ago:
Submitted! Good luck everyone!

Clare Gosling wrote 11
years ago:

Michelle wrote 11
years ago:
I just wanted to check in and make sure you received my entry for the blog contest. :) I submitted it on the 6th and received a submission email, but nothing since that confirming it is ready to go. Thanks!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
@Michelle - we will be in touch asap regarding each entry

Becky The Great wrote 11
years ago:
As requested, leaving a comment to confirm that you received my entry. Thanks!

Rachel wrote 11
years ago:
Very happy to enter another great Expats blog contest! Really enjoyed writing my Top list. Good luck everyone!

Beth wrote 11
years ago:
Are we able to attach images to our entry?

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11
years ago:
@Beth unfortunately we didn't manage to get the image uploader set up in time for this contest. We will have something in place for future ones though. Sorry!

Michael And Yulia wrote 11
years ago:
Just to let you know, we have submitted our contest entry. Hope everyone enjoys it!

Sally wrote 11
years ago:
Submitted, can't wait to see it live.

Suzie wrote 11
years ago:
Submitted! I wrote for Calabria, Italy. As creativity was requested, I hope I did not totally miss the theme... Fun though, looking forward seeing fellow entries! Thanks to the organisers for the excellent support!

Celeste Bennekers wrote 11
years ago:
Just sent mine in as well! Best of luck to all the contestants. Can't wait to read the entries!

Krystal wrote 11
years ago:
I would just like to say one thing, that you consider the redesign of the contest to be about fairness. But the prizes are given to blogs in the countries that garner the highest number of votes. I wonder how fair that actually is. If one country has ten entries and another has 2, then no matter how great the post is or how hard the author has worked on both post and networking, then there is no chance of winning a prize. Theoretically you could have a far higher number of positive comments on one blog than another, but the other wins the prize because there are more entries from their country. Perhaps next time you will consider a mix and match approach for this, as from reading I can see there are high quality thoughtful posts from a country with one entry being outrun by lesser quality posts from countries with ten plus entry - and is this really about being the best writer or working the hardest at promoting your blog? Why should the number of entries per country make a difference on achievement? that doesn't make sense

ALLY wrote 11
years ago:
Hello Fellow Expats! I'm an American Girl slowly adjusting to Argentina Life and Adventures....I spent some years during my childhood here, but that definitely doesn't mean I don't feel like fish from another pond! Please do reach out and stay in touch! Here's my Travel Blog; http://lunagirl7.wordpress.com/ Cheers! Lunagirl :-)