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Australian Expats In England

If you are looking to connect with Australian expats in England, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs England written by Australian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by Australian Expats Living in England

  • Country Diaries
    Sydney girl and pug heading for a 'tree change' in the English countryside. A self-confessed wine-slurping city girl with lots of high heels, no wellies and a real dread of rain. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Untold Morsels
    Lifestyle, family travel and expat advice from an Australian mum of twin toddlers living in London. Follow for travel, settling in tips and more.
  • MissECalwell
    I'm Elizabeth - a twenty-something Melbourne media girl who moved to the UK to live the London life. MissECalwell is a blog sharing tales of my London adventures, thoughts, life lessons and inspiration.
  • Thrown to the four winds
    The life and adventures of an Adelaide girl in big ol' London town, featuring theatre, food and traipsing across Europe.
  • Gammon and Chips
    The adventures of two kiddiewinks, by their Aussie expat mum. Covers topics including parenting, family-friendly travel, reviews, anti-bullying campaigning, kids TV, social media, family fun, and more.

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