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The Free-Range Writer

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The Free-Range Writer
It began as a midlife crisis. I was 40, living in Auckland, and ripe for some middle-aged recklessness. I transplanted my kids and long-suffering husband first to rural New Zealand, then to London, documenting the fun and folly as we went.
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- Over and out 8 years ago It’s late August and I’ve barely finished the six loads of laundry from our Barcelona holiday when I fall down a wormhole of work. When I emerge again, it’s winter and we’re only weeks from our London departure date. My copywriting business, relaunched slowly over the previous year, has hit...
- Neighbourhood watching 8 years ago It would be a spectacular disappointment if I’d allowed myself expectations. I’ve lived through enough UK summers, though, to have formulated none at all. And because I’ve still only been back a year, I haven’t really minded the more or less total failure of summer to appear. It’s late...
- Life overboard 8 years ago To begin with it feels nothing but alien, its spaces clean and bleak and anodyne. Nothing is intuitive or familiarly located; every task requires conscious navigation. I feel weary beyond the physical, as if the sheer newness of everything takes effort to process; as if the energy of rolling with...
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- Unfortunately, fortunately 8 years ago Stability. Settledness. A mostly predictable order to things. Ahh. It lasts about four days. It’s the first week of my new nannied-up routine and I’m just relaxing into the roomy new shape of my week when the email arrives from the letting agent. The landlords won’t be renewing our lease in...
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