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40 blog Spot

40 blog Spot
A blog of a self proclaimed Yummy Mummy living in London
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  • Top 10 Tips To be Taken Seriously In your Job In London Writing Contest March 2013 After the best part of a decade spent in London, I am still learning to speak proper English. Having a French accent is quite a hindrance in my job, because most of the time my colleagues comment on my accent rather than on what I have to say, which...
  • Main Differences Between French Men And British Men Expat Blog Awards 2013 Every time I watch a TV series, there is a French man having an affair with one of the main characters. My new favourite series, Homeland, is no exception: Saul’s wife, Mira, is falling for a French colleague. So, what makes French men so...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: England Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in England!

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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: England Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in England!

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Website Reviews » There are 35 reviews on 40 blog Spot

21:52 PM November 15, 2012

A must-read. Muriel's whimsical account of life as a French woman living in London is always light-hearted and funny! I hope that she will write a book eventually!

22:58 PM November 15, 2012

This blog never fails to entertain, and at the same time offers a lot of cultural insights.

20:56 PM November 18, 2012

A great blog, insightful and well written, with many kinds of experiences shared.

21:04 PM November 18, 2012

Superbly written and really refreshing articles written by someone who obviously has a fantastic sense of humour... Love Em !!

21:26 PM November 18, 2012

What I most love about the blog is that it comes straight from the heart. A good balance of the striking differences, similarities between cultures and their beliefs. Also, the hint of sarcasm doesn't hurt one bit! Completely enjoyable!

Claire Vorster
01:00 AM November 19, 2012

Always funny and insightful.

09:04 AM November 19, 2012

I've been reading Muriel's blog for what seems like years, and still love it. I never tire of reading about her experiences - those of a French woman, wife, mother and business woman in London.

09:30 AM November 19, 2012

Muriel's blog bridges two countries' peculiarities with an extra dose of humour. It is a pleasure to read her entertaining, funny and insightful posts.

10:10 AM November 19, 2012

Muriel and I have swapped places. She is French and has moved to London, I am British and have moved to France. As such, I am greatly amused to compare her life as an expat with mine. She writes well, has many interesting insights and writes with humour and intelligence. Her blog is one of my top favourites.

Lucy Patterson
12:07 PM November 19, 2012

Great humour detailing the peculiarities between two languages, countries and cultures.

09:47 AM November 20, 2012

A great blog about how in feels to be a French women amongst the Brits...A must-read!

16:23 PM November 21, 2012

I'm always having a lot of fun reading Muriel's blog. And everything she says is so true... I'm a big fan! Thanks Muriel!

22:14 PM November 22, 2012

I always look forward to a new post by Muriel. I am French and she is so right in all her comments about France and England and I very often recognise myself in her blog. Plus she writes in a very entertaining way! Well done Muriel!

21:16 PM November 23, 2012

I love this blog! Muriel usually posts on Sundays evenings and it is a great way to start the week. I highly recommend it.

15:32 PM November 26, 2012

Witty, funny, and insightful! I'm a regular reader! =)

Lost In London
09:58 AM November 27, 2012

Witty and funny. Nice discovery

Laura Dennis
14:55 PM November 27, 2012

Such a great, honest, insightful blog. Not only do we learn about Muriel's funny viewpoint of being an expat, we also learn a bit about French and British culture. Awesome! Laura

10:25 AM November 28, 2012

Lots of humour and very well written. Highly recommended!

14:51 PM November 29, 2012

Great blog Crispy, funny, .... Simply brilliant

02:58 AM December 02, 2012

I especially love reading her changing perspective on her homeland as she spends more time in London.

21:48 PM December 08, 2012

I always have a good laugh when I read Muriel's blog. It totally deserves 5 stars!

Holly Jahangiri
16:14 PM December 09, 2012

Entertaining, thought-provoking, full of wry and gentle humor with a cross-cultural perspective and appeal. Definitely worth bookmarking!

16:24 PM December 09, 2012

I love this blog! Muriel's perspective is fascinating, her experience interesting and her stories are unique, touching, hilarious!

Thom Brown
16:42 PM December 09, 2012

I love this blog. There is always a great post to read. Well done.

Stuart Nager
20:34 PM December 09, 2012

One of my all time favorite blogs...always a pleasure to read. It's been great "getting to know" Muriel.

Pandora Poikilos
21:57 PM December 09, 2012

To the point, topped with a wee bit of sarcasm and oh so funny. Definite must-read.

Lalla Claire
17:42 PM December 12, 2012

I am always waiting for the next post!!! So never stop !!!!

Sylwia Presley
20:31 PM December 13, 2012

Really good read and a great blogger! My inspiration!

22:31 PM December 13, 2012

This is an excellent blog. It's humorous and topical. You get a real sense of the differences between her home country of France and her new home in London. It well-written and always interesting.

Corinne Rodrigues
05:06 AM December 14, 2012

Muriel's blog is always a great read - entertaining yet grounded in reality. For me, as an Indian woman, it gives me a peek into two different cultures from a woman's point of view.

15:22 PM December 14, 2012

Love Muriel's blog. I always look forward to her posts she often shares at My Blogworld Forum. The experiences of a French woman living in London laced with humor. Keep going, Muriel.

JS Yang Nakal
16:36 PM December 14, 2012

Tres drole..... I mean very funny please do not stop. We love it Great Blog!

20:51 PM December 14, 2012

This is a wonderful blog that I check everyday. Muriel is funny and very real in her posts about life as a French mom living in London. I hope she writes a book her writing is witty and superb.

Margot @ Coffee & Vanilla
13:31 PM December 17, 2012

One of my most interesting discoveries this year. Lovely blog with healthy dose of humour!

Penelope James
08:15 AM December 23, 2012

Love Yummy Mummy's humorous, insightful articles about a French woman's experiences living in London.

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