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United Cakedom

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United Cakedom
United Cakedom: Adventures of an American in England I explore the sweeter life in England with my British husband and 2 daughters!
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  • Coffee & Walnut Cake {inspired by the Brenda and Effie series by Paul Magrs} 3 years ago It's the best when you read a great book and are inspired by what you find in the pages of that book. For me it's usually food related, but that's not always it. But it is for this post. Paul Magrs wrote a book called Never the Bride about an older woman who lives in a little English sea side town...
  • You Can't Fake Passion {black bottom cupcakes} 3 years ago "You can't fake passion." -Barbara CorcoranIt was years ago now that I went on a training course for a job I no longer have. It was on this training course we were asked to describe something that we enjoyed doing. It was obvious that some of the people on that training course with me said what...
  • Coconut & Lemon Bakewell (recipe review) Inspired by Soul of Cinder by Bree Barton 4 years ago Soul of Cinder by Bree Barton is the third instalment of the trilogy that started with Heart of Thorns and followed by Tears of Frost. Soul of Cinder picks up right where Tears of Frost left off with Mia and Pilar on another journey, but not really sure of where they are going. What they do know is...
  • Peanut Butter Banana Cookies {recipe review} 5 years ago It's officially summer, but my children are still in school for another week or so and it's all a go with plays and projects and school visits. Then they will be off and it will be the juggle of work and keeping them entertained. Although it sounds as if I am complaining I'm not. I enjoy my time...
  • Apple Crumble Muffins {recipe} 5 years ago Whenever someone says they don't know how to bake or they aren't good at baking I always try to encourage them to start with muffins. You cannot go wrong with muffins and if you comment and say yes you can I fucked some up one time. I will stand corrected, but I assure you that they are pretty easy...

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