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Expats In Italy Blogs Directory

This is the Expats in Italy Blogs listing page at ExpatsBlog.com. Whilst we do try to include as many Italy expat blogs as possible, should you know of a blog that deserves a listing please add here.

We've moved from DC to Italy where we're learning to take it easy and enjoy sipping our espresso. We're here for a short time to experience it all!

Whether you're actually in Italy, or in some far off place, Italy can be found! Italy Project brings you advice on Italy, Italian cultural tidbits and personal ramblings about the everyday Italian life.

I blog about my life in Milan working as a teacher in an international school and the travel I'm able do while living in Europe.

Renovation, life in italy, renovating in italy, living in italy

In 2009, I moved from a US city to the Umbrian countryside to marry my Italian beau. MyVillageinUmbria chronicles our life, love, adventures and misadventures in my adopted Italian homeland.

Spello, Umbria, Italy • Chronicling the creation and pursuit of a dream—living a year in the beautiful center. Where there is joy, love, and pasta. Lots and lots of pasta.

John P Brady - Irish Writer Journalist and Blogger Short stories, fiction and articles on social subjects, travel and a blog about life in Italy.

DLaM is written by Kate Bailward - aka Katja. It is mainly made up of stories and observations of life in southern Italy, and is updated once a week, on Mondays.

CATHERINE MCNAMARA grew up in Sydney and moved to Paris to study French, and ended up in Ghana running a bar. She moved to Italy eight years ago.

British expat, English teacher, keen traveller, food fanatic, occasional follower of fashion. Discovering Italy one gelato at a time...

This is a website documenting the experience of Hope and Steve's excellent expat adventure of moving to Florence, Italy. I hope you find it entertaining and perhaps just a little inspirational...

Serial expat blog from an American expat who has lived in Osaka, Japan, repatriated in New York, then Ireland and now lives in small town on Italy's west coast. Great fun, especially the Pigeon story!

Mette Vaabengaard is a Danish freelance journalist (MA) with a passion for Italy. She has travelled extensively throughout the country and blogs about Italy travel and food.

Sicily cast such a spell on me that in 2007 I bought a little stone house in a village where lemons roll in the streets. A photographer and writer, I blog about life on the island and the amazing folks I meet.

Help and Advice for Expats in Rome, with an added focus on Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Italians.

An Englishman, his Sicilian wife and an Italian / English Dictionary (by Pecora Nera)

Big city Texan girl meets small town Italian boy. Chaos ensues. (My stories - both funny and tragic - about loving, dating, living with, and marrying an Italian man.)

From Florida to Italy, an Americans Prospective of moving to Italy and traveling through Europe

Mee is a Thai-born Chinese, married with a child, now living in a small town in Northern Italy.

Cathy Powell was born in Australia. After 6 years in Lazio, Italy, she is now based in south east England with her husband and two children.

The (mis)adventures of an American couple living in Puglia, the Heel of Italy's Boot

Italy Chronicles, formerly Blog from Italy, has been chronicling life and goings on in Italy in English since 2005. Blog from Italy became Italy Chronicles in May 2011. The founder is a British expat now in Milan,Italy.

photography, expat tales and short stories from a wandering waitress (by Jennifer Avventura)

I was raised in Miami and now live in Florence. Follow my trials and tribulations while I live abroad with my very Italian husband. I have a die-hard love for food, photos, social media and culture. Join me for the ride!

The Welshie in Italy is 20-something Nerys who moved to Milan after Italian at university.

the boot - the love song within a foreign film that is my life. recipes for the budding home cook, stories about me and my Italian (soon-to-be-husband) Manu, and snippets of life in Italy.

Having moved from the UK, Richard and his wife are attempting to start a new life for themselves among the vineyards of Piemonte. The blog features travel tips, Italy advice and lots of stories about things going wrong...

Escaping the rat race and beyond... The experiences and challenges of moving from the UK to Italy's stunning Le Marche region(by Sue)

Observations of the world around me and the music that's playing

Michelle Fabio is an American attorney turned freelance writer living in Calabria Italy.

This is the story of a family from New York City who had the crazy idea to pack up everything and move to Italy--with music...

Sonia Laura Castaneda-Piacente was born and raised in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, met her Italian husband and moved to Torino, Italy.

Cherrye Moore is a Texas-born writer and travel consultant living in Calabria. Her website is about ancestry travel, custom vacations and boutique tours to Calabria and southern Italy.

Why Italian bureaucracy is like being the hero in your very own role playing game

I was born and raised in California but heard Rome calling to me. Armed with a camera and a lot of patience, this blog is about the process and shock of moving to Italy.

We are two Americans living in Bologna, Italy for a two year stint. We started this blog to document our adventures for ourselves and to share our experiences with our family, friends, and whoever else is interested.

A different point of view on travelling in, living in and loving Italy.

My name is Shelley Ruelle. I'm an American expat who has lived in Rome since 2001. I share my stories and experiences in Rome here on my blog. I try to be funny. (Sometimes I actually succeed.)

I'm originally from the UK, just outside London and I've been living here on the Amalfi Coast since 1999.

An Australian Italian, over twenty-five years in Italy, but always Positano.

Happenings, special places, insider tips & knowledge from a veteran journalist, educator,author,guidebook writer living in Italy since 1965

An American expat living in Sardegna working as an au pair where I spend my time; drawing, meeting strangers from the internet, reading, and playing guitar- all while learning the very difficult Italian culture and language.

A blog about life in the Tuscan Maremma - a province honest in both landscape and lifestyle, promising la dolce vita and Tuscany off-the-beaten track.

We started this website to help people who like to travel slowly, who like to know places deeply. We have visited and explored Italy from Ameglia - where Liguria meets Tuscany - for over 20 years.

Living in Italy and discovering my Italian heritage. (by Carmen Caserta)

A blog about food and travel. A blogger of english and spanish nationality currently based in Bologna shares all about the excellent food filling her journeys trough Italy.

After a decade of living in Sicily I am looking for ways of appreciating this expat existence, sharing it's difficulties and contemplating about living life away from home. Life, love and frustration from Australia to Sicily

I came to Rome completely ignorant of art and culture. Through many years of study and experience I have learned much, and now seek to share this experience with others.
'La dolce vita' doesn't mean to be lazy, but to learn and appreciate.

An American moves to Florence, Italy and this is what happens...

Daily musings and thoughts on teaching languages to children in a multilingual family. Reflection of my personal experience in raising trilingual children, advice on how to do it,results of related scientific research and Russian resources.

Living in Italy since 1985, mostly around Florence, involved in tourism which has taken me all over Italy and now part of a volunteer tourism project in the Cinque Terre. My blog shares those experiences and what's happening round me now

Jasmine is a (former) pharmacist turned freelance writer, foodie, and fashionista from Alberta, Canada living "the sweet life" in Bergamo, Italy.
She writes and photographs all her adventures and mishaps on living the expat life.

Glimpses of my life in Italy, England and Bulgaria. Cultural shocks, travel, sights, some beauty and food. Lots of pictures, too.

An expat's discovery of Italian culture, language and food, seeking out hidden gems from ghost villages to prehistoric caves. Join the journey!

Sara Rosso has lived in Rome, Pavia, and now Milan since moving to Italy from Silicon Valley (California) in July 2003. Ms. Adventures in Italy is a site about cooking, exploring and tasting new specialties, and my travels in Italy as well as around the world.

Photos, recipes, travel tips and Italian dual citizenship advice from 20-something expats in Florence, Italy

Megan moved from California to Italy, married an Italian boy and started a business.

Valerie Fortney-Schneider, freelance writer and tour guide. Fun and quirky experiences in Italy.

Katie fell in love with Italy from her first visit there in 2002. She now calls it home, writing and capturing the culture of the enchanting city of Florence.

My name is Krista. I live in Florence, Italy, but I was born and raised in Southern California. After falling in love with an Italian, I moved to Italy (as one does), and I'm busy learning Italian and the Florentine way of life.

An American who came to Italy as a tender teenager and basically never left. She writes about her experiences in this beloved yet often awkward country, with home being Padua.

Bella Vita Liguria is the blog of Bella Vita Italia's owner and founder, Megan. Full of Italy travel tips, reports from Liguria and living in Italy updates.

Judy began her career as a pastry chef in San Francisco and moved to Florence where she taught cooking for the students at Syracuse University. In 2008 Judy relocated to a house in the hills outside of Certaldo.

How did a life-long Francophile end up forsaking la belle France for la dolce vita in middle-of-nowhere Italy?

This personal blog follows one curious American girl with a semi-confusing name living in Florence, Italy. Passions include travel, wine, food, humor, culture, language, books...

A dual citizen (Italy/USA) from Seattle, eating and dancing tango in Italy, and spending a fair bit of time in Argentina as well.

An American transplanted to Naples, Italy in 2005, I am passionate about my adopted home. Join me for an insider's view of Napoli as I uncover her sights, sounds and flavours.

Living in Italy, having adventures and writing about the journey.

An American living in Italy takes off her rose-colored glasses to reveal what life is really like through the trials & tribulations of daily living in the country known for it's 'Quality of Life'.

An American attorney quits her comfortable job and sells her comfortable house to start a business and life in Rome. Just as fun but a lot more difficult than expected! Hilarity ensues.

A blog about Rome, Italy, Amalfi Coast, Positano, Naples, Cape Town, Tuscany, Florence

A once upon a time yuppie Los "Angelena" falls in love with a man and a city, and moves to Venice,Italy...that was more than two decades ago, and there's lots to tell!

If you ever wondered what it's really like to live in Italy, this blog is for you.

I blog about my experiences moving from the USA to Venice, becoming a dual citizen, and my every day experiences acclimating to life in Venice, Italy. My goal is to share my experiences with others who dream of living here also.

i was the stereotypical small-town american mom. i planned classroom parties and chaperoned field trips. i shopped at target and went to the gym. a traffic jam meant i was stuck behind a tractor.and now i live in rome.

free walks & work-arounds for rich italian adventures

Expat English teacher in Bologna. A Postmodern Anglo-Muslim hybrid sharing thoughts, experiences, and advice on a wide range of topics: from Travelling in Italy, Cultural Observations, Islam and wearing Hijab, to Teaching English abroad

A place for moments about Italy, cats, menopause, seasons, travel, photography.

This blog started in 2006 with the renovation of an over 200 year old house, in Italy called "palazzo'. The blog reveals the progress of our project and our love for the slow life in an Italian village deep in the South, in Calabria.

Virtual tour around Piedmont region: places to see, events to take part, cities and towns, a bit of history, as well as information about local wines and Italian cuisine recipes.

Recently transplant to Rome, Italy from Denver, CO. We uprooted our 2 little guys, packed all our belongings into 8 suitcases and a couple carryons, sold the rest, and are learning to live la dolce vita without losing our minds. Most days.

You Can Take the Girl Out of Bradford, but can a Yorkshire lass cope in Rome? Both Rome and Bradford are cities with much to criticise, but it's a bit like when you're in love, you love the faults as much as, or in spite of the merits.

Blicious is a lifestyle blog featuring yours truly and my husband Brandon. I share bits and pieces of our lives through photographs and stories. We moved to Florence Italy from California in March 2013 and it's been a wild and dreamy ride.

My journey on the curved horizon. (by Simba)
My photography ad stories about life in Le Marche; also includes book reviews about Italian books and artwork (usually Italy-related).

A California girl at heart, my adventures have taken me to my first-ever trip to Europe (France and Italy) while my Better Half studies wine; I help when tasting is involved.

barbedwords is about living and writing in Italy - and quite a bit of cooking. I live in Rome, speak limited Italian and am not that keen on Italian food (there, I've said it!)

A different take on life in the hills of Eastern Tuscany from poet, essayist and sceptic Jonnie Falafel.

We are a military family living overseas in Northern Italy with our 4 children, 2 cats, and 1 giant Newfoundland. My blog is about our daily lives living overseas and our travels abroad.

A blog mostly featuring lots of photographs and some words describing my explorations of the high Apennines between Tuscany and Emilia and the Po Valley in Emilia.
The articles about the Apennines are spit up into single day walks and cover the whole range from Corno della Scala, Bologna to Passo Cisa, Parma
From time to time I stray from the main theme to talk about photography or anything else that interests me.

Canadian expat livin' la bella vita in Tuscany. I came, I saw, I hemmed and hawed, now I'm conquering.

An Italy Expat Blog : An American expat, Her Italian poet husband and their darling (and demanding) baby finding la dolce vita throughout Italy.

Hi, I'm Beatriz! I was born & raised in Miami, FL and lived there all my life until I decided to move to Dayton, OH in 2011. Now, recently graduated from Ohio State and married, my husband and I left Ohio behind with our Husky to Rome!

Musings from a displaced Leicester Tigers fan living the fairytale ending in Italy. Come share the journey, the ups & downs.....and
the magic of the Cilento

A blog about an American army military wife in Europe first at SHAPE Belgium, now Vicenza, Italy. Info on moving to Belgium, moving to Italy.

British Expat living in Roma,runner, food lover & mother blogging about life in Italy.

Swedish artist living in Florence, Italy - At the moment Patrik is living in Florence, Italy. Here I take my Fine Arts Certificate and diving into the artistic atmosphere and exhibiting my art all over.

"This is the story about a Swedish girl who Followed her dreams...
...she is an Artist and Interior design student currently living in Florence Italy
where the romance is blooming and life is looking good."

"A Hysterical Struggle With Language, Love, And Culture"- Probably Someone (by M.E. Evans)

I thought I was just going to stay in Milan for a few months to learn Italian.
It's been 6 years. Now I workathome for a luxury belt brand, I married my Italian lover and I'm raising our bilingual baby all while finding reasons to dress

For the first three years I lived with my mother in law. She is my muse and there is never a dull moment living with her. I write about my experiences in Genoa and funny stories about my odd suocere. (by lmarmstrong66.wordpress.com)

Café Carlson {this delicious life}
Mom. Wife. Foodie.Traveler.
American Expat living in Milan, Italy.

Expat life of an American in Italy including photography, recipes and travel advice.

a blog about my passions: travels, good food, good wine, fashion, books, etc.

A British girl in the middle of Milan, Learning about food, language, travel and an alternative life

Anatomia Fotografica is a place where I am narrating visually details from my current life in Italy.

A blog featuring easy family-friendly recipes, thoughts on eco-responsible parenting, insights into expat life in Italy on a shoestring, and all our cobbled-together home projects

Toronto girl who moved to Southern Italy and blogging all about it!

A 20-something girl who moved to Italy for love and is navigating her way through the ins and outs of living and working in a different culture with her Italian husband.

Former New Yorker in a tiny town in Le Marche, Italy, writing about learning Italian, navigating bureaucracy, avoiding being run over by Italian drivers on runs, traveling and food who hopes to one day create an acceptable Cheez-It recipe

Tales from Tuscany's Chianti Hills. Occasional posts about life and culture in the Chianti.

Regular postings about my life and travels while living and working abroad in Milan, Italy!

A blog about living frugally and sustainably, growing veges and renovating an old stone place in the country...

Tips for survival and tales of my misadventures in the eternal(y dirty) city.

True stories from a 24 year old traveler. I have lived in Spain (Barcelona, Valladolid) since I was 19 years old. I have recently moved to Bologna, Italy, where I will begin a new adventure

MILES Another weekend in Bologna, full of culinary fun! On weekends the center of Bologna becomes a pedestrian area and one can enjoy walking around its main avenue, which is partially taken over by café terraces

Most weekends you'll find us somewhere in Northern Italy, or Milan, trying to find the best places to walk, eat and visit. Come with us as we travel by tram, train, ferry, bus and Fiat 500 on our unexpected Milan Transfer.

Here We Go Again is the story of an Italian adventure encompassing everything from food, wine and travels to the hilarious perks and flaws of living in Italy.

A lighthearted account of life in Milan and travels around Italy. Packed with insights into Italian life and amusing anecdotes and tips about adapting to living abroad.

Deciphering all aspects of crazy Italian life: food, language, travel and the dreaded red tape...

A Polish emigrant in Basilicata. Stories and observations about living in United Kingdom, Poland and Italy.

Exploring the art, culture, food and more of Italy in general, and Bologna in particular

Would you dare to move to Italy? Stef & Nico did, although their dog Sara had her doubts. Read & laugh about their hilarious & horrendous expat adventures!

I moved to Italy fourteen months ago. This is my blog about living and loving life in Italy!

I'm an expat teaching English in Bologna, Italy. Just months before graduate school I dropped out of my doctorate program and made getting an Italian study visa my new full-time job. This blog is about helping others achieve the same dream.

A expat journey from Australia- USA- Italy and beyond!

Gain pracitcal advice if you're house-hunting in Italy in our La Dolce Vita blog. Read our posts about restoration, Italian life, and all things Italia!

Tales of an American girl somehow managing life in Italy- I'm an architect / cat lover / spritz aficionado living in Verona, Italy. Follow along to learn more about the all the struggles / magic of daily life in the bel paese.