In Love with France, At Home In Italy

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In Love with France, At Home In Italy
How did a life-long Francophile end up forsaking la belle France for la dolce vita in middle-of-nowhere Italy?
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  • WHO SAYS THAT LIFE IN THE COUNTRY IS BORING? WHAT'S THAT GIGANTIC CREATURE ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR? 2 years ago Our friend Veronica whom we love dearly and vice versa has always been a city chick. Even though she enjoys the change of pace of staying with us out here in the middle of nowhere, when pressed, I think she’d admit that the life of a Country Mouse is boring. Ditto for Jim’s sister, my lovely,...
  • A HOARDER? MOI? 2 years ago   “The Yale Daily News” wanted to do a report on faculty offices that had interesting decor or collections. Someone suggested mine. The poor reporter thought she’d just breeze in, take a quick photo, and move on. Ha! Well, I wish I had a camera to capture the look on her face when she...
  • BAH HUMBUG?:CHRISTMAS GIFTS RECONSIDERED 2 years ago Having already admitted that I’m no fan of holidays or birthdays, I have another embarrassing confession that puts right me up there with Scrooge McDuck and the Grinch: For most of my life I have not liked to receive gifts. Further, I only like to give them when something strikes me as just right...
  • A WARM INVITATION TO LISTEN TO ME READ "DEAR READER," CHAPTER ONE OF LETTERS TO MEN OF LETTERS 2 years ago The reading lasts about 9 minutes.  If you're a technodunce like me, the instructions that follow may be helpful. They were written by my clever husband who is NOT a technodunce. Click the Play arrow below to start. If you want to Pause, you can, by clicking the Pause sign in the same place as...
  • ONLY IN ITALY? Tools of the Trade: Who's into manual? (Part one of two) 2 years ago In Italy, when they haven't got the garden tool you want, sometimes they will offer to make it for you! Let me explain.  Cape Cod weeder? Nah, never heard of it. This is the land of MACHO power tools. Manual ones, the only kind I like, are scorned by most Italians as being "for sissies like the... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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