My Village in Umbria

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My Village in Umbria
In 2009, I moved from a US city to the Umbrian countryside to marry my Italian beau. MyVillageinUmbria chronicles our life, love, adventures and misadventures in my adopted Italian homeland.
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  • A Baby in a Bar? In Italy, That's Just How We Roll. 10 years ago Over New Year’s, Paolo, Naomi and I spent about 10 days in Ireland and England. My husband and I both love pub culture, so we were looking forward to settling in for a few pints wherever we went. But since we don’t travel with an au pair, that would mean taking Naomi with us into pubs. Yet a...
  • Going to the Doctor in Italy - Pathos, Schadenfreude and TMI 10 years ago You all know I’m a fan of Italy’s healthcare system, and am no less so as of this writing. But going to the doctor in Italy, at least in Umbria, or at least in my village in Umbria, is a little like watching a Greek tragedy (the Romans copied that from the Greeks too, after all). And that’s...
  • My Italian Driver's License Part 2: A Scofflaw No More 11 years ago So it’s been more than a month since I posted Part 1 of my Italian driver’s license saga. And it took me more than a year to get my license, three years after the deadline had expired for me to do so. Do you sense a theme here? Procrastination, thy name is Liz. Well that, and I’ve been busy...
  • My Italian Driver's License Part 1: House Arrest 11 years ago Gosh, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I’m sure you all have been just dying to know what I’ve been up to. Well, between picking olives, baking birthday cakes, surviving gale force winds and piling extra blankets on the bed…I have been driving. Yes, I finally got my Italian...
  • The Best Lie I Ever Told My Mother 11 years ago Note: This post has nothing to do with my life in Italy, but everything to do with my life. I hope you’ll enjoy it, and please share if you do.My mother died in June of this year. And several years before her death, I told her a big lie. My dad knew I lied; in fact, he was in on it. My sister and...

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This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Italy!

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Website Reviews » There are 59 reviews on My Village in Umbria

Veronique De Miguel
09:28 AM November 19, 2012

I love this blog. It makes me open a window to Italy and to the author's life in a wonderful way. Like reading a novel by chapters. It's an addiction!!!

09:44 AM November 19, 2012

I think this blog is fantastic- it gives a really authentic glimpse into life in rural Italy.

10:06 AM November 19, 2012

i always look forward to her next posting! a wonderfully written slice of life.

Mary Allen
11:13 AM November 19, 2012

I love following this blog. It is so well written, and fun to read, that I can escape my boring life in the states.

Kim Mizen-Wood
11:40 AM November 19, 2012

Liz has a magical way of pulling you right into her Italian world. Well wriiten, very entertaining and always touches your heart. Its like we are chatting over espresso and cookies in her kitchen. You feel like you are THERE. Awesome read!

12:51 PM November 19, 2012

Reading this makes me want to pack my bags and go! Just not to the "mare" though!!

Kathy Wheeler
12:51 PM November 19, 2012

A great read and a romantic setting. I love hearing about someone throwing caution to the wind and following her dreams...Go Liz, Paolo and now Miss Naomi!

Glenn Heath
12:57 PM November 19, 2012

The blog is well written and generally has interesting topics. It is fun to hear about how life in Italy is the same, yet different, as our own.

Vicki Powell
13:14 PM November 19, 2012

Wonderful blog! A great peak into a different culture and how an American is affected by her new Italian life.

15:17 PM November 19, 2012

I just love the wit and insite in these blogs.

15:58 PM November 19, 2012

This blog is one of my absolute favorites! Who hasn't fantasized about packing up and moving abroad? It's witty, funny and moving, often all in the same post.

Barbara Gillespie
16:56 PM November 19, 2012

Elizabeth's love of Italy, it's history and her adventurous spirit resonates in her writing making her stories evocative and fun to read. 'My Village in Umbria' is thoughtful, poignant and humorous. Every new blog post makes my day!

Susan Morgan
17:04 PM November 19, 2012

I adore this blog and love it when I open Facebook and find Liz has posted a new one. Whether she's making me laugh out loud in "Got Milk" or shed tears for a woman I'll never know in "A Sad Goodbye to a Woman I Never Met", it's always a truly great read.

Sally Herman
17:06 PM November 19, 2012

I love this blog because A) it is charmingly written. B) because I too am an ex-pat living abroad and C) it is educational and brings another place in the world into my home and onto my radar.

Lisa Carwile
18:30 PM November 19, 2012

This blog gives me hope in the human race, in love and in life. It is always real and always a delight!

Ray Vonder Haar
18:38 PM November 19, 2012

This is a great blog. Check it out for insightful, witty and touching snippets of life in Italy for an American ex-patriot.

21:58 PM November 19, 2012

One of my favorite things to see when i open Facebook; a new posting from Liz Heath. Keep 'em coming!

Dana Heath
00:37 AM November 20, 2012

Delightful, well written & thoroughly entertaining glimpse of life from a perceptive observer and participant in a wonderfully unique community that has become one of our favorite places in the world to visit.

Todd Brittingham
01:47 AM November 20, 2012

Great work Liz! Can't wait to see what comes next...

Penny Ewles-Bergeron
09:12 AM November 21, 2012

Elizabeth writes with style and insider insight and above all with empathy for her location. We lived in Italy for 7 years, now relocated to Lisbon, but it's writing like hers that keeps us connected to a country we love.

11:26 AM November 21, 2012

Excellent! It´s funny, enjoyable, sensual... very Mediterranean. At the same time, she knows how to keep it a bit acid. And her writing flows graciously.

Mollie Page
12:26 PM November 21, 2012

A delight to read.

12:55 PM November 21, 2012

This is a wonderful blog! Liz's writing is moving, personal, educational and wry. What a great way to connect to a special part of the world and a very special family and community.

Tom RIcker
13:15 PM November 21, 2012

Wonderful writing. Deeply personal, with great humor. Definitely one of my favorite places to take a break with morning coffee.

Lori Metz
13:36 PM November 21, 2012

I look forward to reading this blog. Liz has a wonderful way of giving you a glimpse of her life in Italy. Her writing invites you in, as if you were sitting on a sofa listening to her talk instead of reading her blog.

14:10 PM November 21, 2012

Liz is brilliant, and her writing confirms the wisdom of her move. She is thoughtful, daring, and honest (all qualities that drive big life changes). Frankly, I am jealous, but we're not here to write about my problems. Speaking of problems, I love the candor in Liz' writing; she clearly loves her new life but isn't shy about its challenges. And she writes of it in a witty, relatable style. Bella!

14:36 PM November 21, 2012

Liz's writing paints a vivid picture that transports readers to a beautiful country. Makes me want to move to Umbria!

17:06 PM November 21, 2012

brava liz riesci sempre ad emozionarmi !!!

18:53 PM November 21, 2012

I always look forward to reading!

Carolyn Patton
01:02 AM November 22, 2012

Only the second blog I've followed and I really enjoy hearing about life in Italy, a country where I'd love to visit someday. Paints a very interesting, and inviting, picture. Thank you!

Anna Ruth
14:58 PM November 22, 2012

This is a great blog for people who have visited Italy as well as those who dream of going there someday. Liz's writing is lovely and captures the beauty and nuances of every day life in Umbria.

Rafael Casanova
11:41 AM November 28, 2012

Alwyas waiting for a new post!! Crazy about going to Italy this next spring!! I would love to visit Umbria!!

Maria Grazia
11:46 AM November 28, 2012

Leggere con quanta ironia e spirito d'osservazione Liz racconta cio' che avviene intorno a lei nella sua terra d'adozione mi fa sorridere e riflettere molto.Aspetto sempre con ansia la pubblicazione di un nuovo post.Complimenti Liz!

Eileen Carter-Campos
11:59 AM November 28, 2012

What an inspiring blog. Your posts are heartfelt & I just want more! I love the way you & your husband met & your descriptions of life in Italy! Thank you & please continue inspiring!

Maggie Fleming Cacot
11:59 AM November 28, 2012

Such a wonderful blog! I always look forward to new postings!

Eliana Tardio
12:36 PM November 28, 2012

Thanks for opening the doors from Italy to our hearts through your blog. Love your writing, passion and Italy :)

Lorraine C. Ladish
13:56 PM November 28, 2012

I envision this blog becoming a book - it provide refreshing and personal insight into life in a foreign country. As a former expat, I appreciate the richness of the descriptions and the depth of the writer's feelings. The writing is high caliber and is more engaging than many published novels out there. Kudos, and I would love to see it receive a much deserved award.

14:01 PM November 28, 2012

Thank you for sharing your life! It makes me want to go there NOW! Beautiful writing!!!

Troy Hughes
14:49 PM November 28, 2012

I love this blog - I've never been outside of North America in my life, but reading about Liz's life/adventure in Italy makes me feel like I'm there.

Soelis Kabbabe
15:20 PM November 28, 2012

Elizabeth's blog is inspiring yet realistic. You can see and feel her love for Italy and its culture... Definitely, a beautiful way to share her life!!

Kathy Prutos
16:51 PM November 28, 2012

I love Liz's blog -- not only is she a terrific writer, her life stories keep us connected and reminds me that the world isn't so big after all. Bravo, Liz. Keep writing and sharing.

Liz Bird
01:24 AM November 29, 2012

I read the blog whenever I can, and really enjoy your observations on your new life. You're a great writer!

Fernanda Beccaglia
08:26 AM December 09, 2012

Beautifully written, witty, passionate, fun, and elegant. Great reading!

Kari Johnson
13:16 PM December 09, 2012

My eyes and heart have been opened to a beautiful country and way of life! I can hardly wait for each new chapter to emerge!

Christine Ganjani
14:22 PM December 09, 2012

Beautifully written. Rich imagery and delightful humor. I always look forward to the next post!

15:06 PM December 09, 2012

Love this blog! Well written and fascinating look at Italian culture through the eyes of an American.

15:16 PM December 09, 2012

That's simply amazing...and genuine! I am from that little village in Umbria and I've been living abroad since some years now. When I read Liz's stories I find myself there, my roots, the people I love, the funny stories, the traditions, small gestures, the simplicity of our little village in Umbria. Thanks Liz, that is a great gift to us all :-)

Larry Block
15:50 PM December 09, 2012

This is a great Blog. I love it and want to move to Umbria as a result of what I read here!

Ginna Closs
16:09 PM December 09, 2012

Liz is such a wonderful observer and writer. Her work is always witty, beautifully written, and insightful. Her blog is a wonderful escape into another world, but she doesn't shy away from discussing some difficult realities at the same time. This blog is a lot of fun to read, and it encourages readers planning a trip to Italy to go off the beaten path and explore some smaller destinations in the countryside.

Bill Berry
16:20 PM December 09, 2012

Liz can write. I'm not much into blogs but I love this one!

Nic Terrenato
17:28 PM December 09, 2012

Good job Liz! Who would have known when you were an SPA student...

17:28 PM December 09, 2012

I got in on Liz' blog from the first post and can't wait for each new one. Her writing skills are top notch and I always feel like it has been a few moments well spent after reading one.

18:50 PM December 09, 2012

I spent a couple of hours reading this blog when I first discovered it! I know Umbria pretty well though I now live far from it, and this warm and beautiful blog takes me back to a place I love.

19:40 PM December 09, 2012

Love this blog. Makes me want to move to Italy every time.

Lindley Weinberg
20:24 PM December 09, 2012

What a great way to escape a cold, dreary day in Baltimore and be transported to the soft, rolling hills of Umbria. The author has a beautiful, lyrical writing style that all but makes you feel you are experiencing her wonderful life in the village of Allerona. I didn't need the photos to experience the landscape, the hands on adventure and the familial pride and delight of harvesting your own olives and tasting their delicious, rich oil on a yummy piece of bruschetta simplice. Gratuitous pics of beautiful Italian American baby girls are just the icing on the cake of this delightful expat's blog. Bravo!!!

22:06 PM December 09, 2012

Every entry on this blog is like taking a mini-vacation. I look forward to each post and save the read for when I can really enjoy every word. Thanks, Liz!

Elaine Cudney
04:54 AM December 10, 2012

I truly look forward to new installments. Makes me nostalgic for the time I spent in Europe. Great writing Liz. I love how honest you are the most.

Bradford Newton
14:34 PM December 10, 2012

Fantastic blog, I am filled with laughter and envy upon every reading. What a great way to live life and love Liz's humor and outlook. Wish we Americans could learn from this, live in the moment and appreciate our bounties no matter how small.

Steve Wheeler
15:58 PM December 10, 2012

I can't wait to read more! This is my new therapy, helping me escape the ordinary and experience the wonder of Liz's Italy!! I am insanely jealous!

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