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Expats In New York Blogs Directory

This is the Expats In New York Blogs listing page. We try to include as many New York expat blogs as possible, however if you know of one that could be featured please add here.

I moved from London to New York in Nov 12 with my husband and two small children. My blog records my observations on the differences between the UK and New York. It is light hearted and done with humour.

A mother's journey through the eccentric adventures of her Aussie family in NYC. An eclectic husband, a 12 yo prodigy film maker Son & gifted "mad scientist" Daughter.A Mother Life is about raising great people, then hanging on.

I moved to New York a few months ago when my husband was relocated here by his company.

Freelance journalist, wife to The Doctor and mother of two lively Littleboys. We left southwest London's 'Nappy Valley' in May 2009 for a three year sojourn on Long Island, New York.

JoAnna is a Canadian expat currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Prior to Brooklyn, JoAnna lived for 4 years in Egypt, as well as Rwanda and Denmark. She blogs about food (for people with allergies/intolerances), style and travel.

A 3rd Culture Kid with a camcorder & a huge appetite. Travel vlogging & proving that your next getaway is closer than you think!