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A Mother Life

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A Mother Life
A mother's journey through the eccentric adventures of her Aussie family in NYC. An eclectic husband, a 12 yo prodigy film maker Son & gifted "mad scientist" Daughter.A Mother Life is about raising great people, then hanging on.
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Website Reviews » There are 12 reviews on A Mother Life

Karen @BakingInATornado
00:54 AM March 14, 2013

A Mother Life is a "must read" blog. Interesting, fun and often spit-your-drink-out funny. Always at the edge of my seat waiting to see what she has in store for us next.

The Insomniac's Dream
01:00 AM March 14, 2013

A Mother Life is a very unique look at life through the eyes of an Aussie turned New Yorker. She writes honest, hilarious pieces about her life with her husband and two kids, one of which is an aspiring film maker, and her amazing but special dog, Sir Licks a Lot. Her blog makes me laugh, makes me cry, and I always feel like I am right next to her when I read her words. Her writing is simply the best! What are you waiting for? Go read her. Now.

01:11 AM March 14, 2013

Molley makes being an expat seem like something anyone can do. She has managed to integrate her children beautifully and even thought she admits it is not always easy, she proves a sense of humor can make it always bearable. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!

Jen P.
01:21 AM March 14, 2013

Molley is one of my favorite tell-it-like-it-is bloggers! So much heart, humor & wit in one place! A must read!

Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0
03:42 AM March 14, 2013

Molley is a hilarious and gifted writer. She entertains whether writing about a trip to the doctor, or a trip to Spain. Within a sentence or two, you're transported to her kitchen table, listening to her tell you about her latest adventure over a cup of coffee (and a vegemite sandwich).

Dani Ryan @ Cloudy, With A Chance Of Wine
11:56 AM March 14, 2013

Having lived for 11 years as an expat myself, I find Molley's blog extremely entertaining. She finds the humor in everything, and has a gift for making her readers want to come back for MORE. She's such a delight, and I'm so happy to see her being featured here!

Stephanie Sprenger
13:37 PM March 14, 2013

Molley is such an honest, funny, down to earth blogger. Reading her blog feels like talking to one of your best girlfriends. She has such a great voice, is versatile, and always entertaining.

Tracy @ Momaical
14:10 PM March 14, 2013

Molley is amazing! I look forward to reading her writing every day. She brings a levity to daily circumstances and regales her readers with hilarious traveling adventures. A Mother's Life is a blog you NEED to add to your daily reading list.

Lisa Palkki
15:48 PM March 14, 2013

Molly is a mother we can all relate to. She shares her insights on life with heart and humor. She reaches across the cultural lines as if there were none. Her Australian background adds an element of honesty that few bloggers can harness.

16:47 PM March 14, 2013

A Mother Life is awesome! Molley can make you laugh and she can make you pause and think! I highly recommend her blog!

Dani @ Suburbia Interrupted
16:04 PM March 15, 2013

If you haven't yet 'met' Molley and her family, you are missing out. Full of laughter and love, A Mother's Life is a fun look a New York through an Aussie's eyes.

17:03 PM March 22, 2013

Whether or not Australia is upside-down or right-side-up isn't the point; the point is the Molley has a great sense of making sense of living in America with Aussie eyes with her brood. Of all places to live, Molley chose New York, one of world's most dynamic cities. Molley regales her readers with insights and humor of the the ups and down(unders) of living in America. Australians are known for their candor and it's Molley's sense of style and flair that makes that candor a true treat for anyone who happens upon her musings.

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