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Tieland to Thailand

Tieland to Thailand
Expats in Chiang Mai, Thailand show you how to sell your stuff, quit your job, and travel abroad to beautiful places offering cheap cost of living options.
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Website Reviews » There are 22 reviews on Tieland to Thailand

Jmayel & Sacha El-haj
10:24 AM October 21, 2013
10:24 AM October 21, 2013

These guys really know how to break down great information into bite sized chunks. Perfect for Expats about to make the big move to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

11:34 AM October 21, 2013
11:34 AM October 21, 2013

I met these guys when I was in Chiang Mai, awesome couple with a great attention to detail in their blog. It feels like they are genuinely trying to help others to follow in their footsteps by carving a out a new location independent life style. If you are thinking of selling you stuff and moving abroad, check their site out, everything you need is on there step by step.

Michael Coaty
12:48 PM October 21, 2013
12:48 PM October 21, 2013

Good information, I read all your post being new to Thailand myself

14:06 PM October 21, 2013
14:06 PM October 21, 2013

Well done blog. A fun read of useful info.

Lan P. Gwilliam
14:14 PM October 21, 2013
14:14 PM October 21, 2013

Pictorial & Personal! Informative and Relevant! Good Job, Tieland to Thailand!

15:09 PM October 21, 2013
15:09 PM October 21, 2013

Been fans of Tieland to Thailand for quite awhile now. Excellent information for those looking to make a big move in their lives. There are paid sites that offer less information (and incorrect) than you get at Tieland to Thailand. Thanks Chris and Angela for your blog.

Lin Babkirk
15:10 PM October 21, 2013
15:10 PM October 21, 2013

We are learning so much from Chris and Angela which is easing any stray questions or doubts of moving to Chiang Mai. We look forward to reading more practical information from them.

CJ From CA
16:50 PM October 21, 2013
16:50 PM October 21, 2013

Great blog from a young American expat couple. Detailed information on teaching, travel, and the cost of living in Thailand.

18:40 PM October 21, 2013
18:40 PM October 21, 2013

My fiance and I have been following Tieland to Thailand since the blog began. Chris and Angela have done a remarkable job breaking down the planning and details that go into making a life changing trip. All of the information captured throughout their posts has been very useful and inspirational as we are also planning on leaving the country after our wedding, taking a year off, and traveling all around Southeast Asia. I look forward to reading their future posts, and wish them the best of luck. Thanks Chris and Angela for all of your hard work.

22:36 PM October 21, 2013
22:36 PM October 21, 2013

Chris & Angela's blog has been immensely helpful in planning and re-planning our journey. Tieland to Thailand is the most straight-forward, fact-driven blog I have found on the subject. They don't keep everything sugar-coated like so many other blogs. After attempting a similar journey and coming up short due to misinformation, we were able to readjust our plans through their experiences and are now preparing to take the leap again thanks to all of the helpful info they provide!

23:09 PM October 21, 2013
23:09 PM October 21, 2013

Full of very useful and important info on there trips and experience in chiang Mai and thailand

14:52 PM October 22, 2013
14:52 PM October 22, 2013

Tieland to Thailand is a great read with plenty of useful tips and information. It has been a great resource for us!

Michael Murphy
15:44 PM October 22, 2013
15:44 PM October 22, 2013

Christopher and Angela have done a superlative job of explaining the ins and outs of making the daunting leap from comfortable US resident to expat. Their post on the mistakes they initially made in budgeting is a must read for anyone contemplating the move to Thailand. Also, their information on teaching as a means of providing an income, and the requirements to get there are invaluable. Good job, and please keep it up!.

17:48 PM October 23, 2013
17:48 PM October 23, 2013

Refreshing blog with super detailed and informative posts on ways for expats to navigate their way around Thailand. They always include maps, prices, and their cost of living breakdowns. Top notch photos as well... I love that they have just begun to do guides on teaching requirements as my wife and I plan to teach once we arrive in Thailand. Their site has really helped us to prepare ourselves for our new lives in Chiang Mai! Good luck guys!

06:57 AM October 24, 2013
06:57 AM October 24, 2013

Great reviews, well designed and thought out blog. I have learned a lot, and gleaned valuable information from their posts. Glad I found it.

07:14 AM October 24, 2013
07:14 AM October 24, 2013

My husband and I plan on moving to Chiang Mai after the new year and this is the one blog we have really become comfortable with. Whenever we have questions we would rather not address out in the open Tieland to Thailand has always responded to our emails. Their insight as a young couple in Thailand resonate so much with us. We have shown our friends, family, and coworkers their blog when they express doubts about our dream. Very well put together and very easy to follow. Love them!

13:26 PM October 24, 2013
13:26 PM October 24, 2013

Great, informative, humorous blog written by an awesome couple! Take a look =)

14:02 PM November 18, 2013
14:02 PM November 18, 2013

An inspiring blog about an amazing couples adventure. I was never interested in traveling to Thailand, but this blog has captured my curiosity and heart. I hope to visit the area soon. The information they have shared will make my travels much easier.

15:42 PM November 20, 2013
15:42 PM November 20, 2013

This couple does a great job providing information that is both practical and truly helpful in a concise but personal manner. This is great whether you are moving to Thailand or simply traveling through. Thanks for making easier for the rest of us!

Jim S
15:44 PM November 20, 2013
15:44 PM November 20, 2013

Stationed in Thailand years ago during a stent in the military and I am looking forward to seeing how things have changed when I visit in early 2014. I must say that these two have got me very excited about reuniting with Chiang Mai. Keep it moving in a positive direction, youngins!

19:42 PM November 20, 2013
19:42 PM November 20, 2013

This is the blog I visit when the day-dreaming urge hits. The descriptions and wonderful details make me wish I was right there with them. Thailand was never on my bucket list but has moved right to the top in priority.

Adam Finan
11:03 AM December 02, 2013
11:03 AM December 02, 2013

Chris and Angela love their Thailand blog! They put together some interesting posts and share epic stories from the land of smiles..