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Leaving Cairo

Leaving Cairo
An unconventional British gal with a degree in International Relations, the wrong side of 35 who finds herself living in the unconventional country of Greece.
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  • Living the unconventional life Writing Contest October 2012 Have you ever lived an expected existence: 9-5 Monday to Friday job, on the look out for Mr. Right. Did you find yourself to be more like Bridget Jones than the Disney Princesses who always meet their Prince? Did you secretly want to carry on your...
  • Top 7 reasons I love living in Athens Writing Contest March 2013 The coffee culture I love going to a coffee shop and spending two or three hours, taking time over one coffee, with no pressure to purchase another…and another…and another. The Greeks know how to sit down and take life in its stride, no...
  • Expat Culture Shock - Greece Expat Culture Shock “Ftou ftou ftou”…the old lady in the supermarket had just spat at me three times. OK, not literally, but I’d been helping this little old lady all swaddled up in black to pack up her shopping. “Efharisto copella” she proclaimed...
  • Working Abroad in Greece - TEFL Working Abroad “TEFL? Oh, you’ll be just like all those other hippies that think they’re teachers and spend all their time in Jesus sandals, relaxing on the beach whilst the real teachers, like me, do all the work.” My sister clearly didn’t have a high...
  • Things you Should be Prepared for Before Coming to Greece Expat Blog Awards 2013 A headache might not be just a headache You may have been ‘evil eyed’—someone passing jealousy onto you.  There is a cure for this, but it usually involving an old Greek woman muttering a lot and spitting occasionally in your direction,...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Greece Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Greece!

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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Greece Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Greece!

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Website Reviews » There are 14 reviews on Leaving Cairo

Sofka Zinovieff
17:55 PM October 17, 2012

Interesting and entertaining

Mads Henrik Højgaard
18:06 PM October 17, 2012

Long time ago, I started reading and following Bex's blog Leaving Cairo out of a common interest in the Dodecanese islands in Greece. And during that time, her posts have been expanding the universe in the blog, so that today besides the great stories of Greek everyday life on a small island the scope is broader and have become one of my favorite expat sources as well. Reading the blog is leaving me every time with a smile and some more thinking. Thanks!!

Athens Living
18:55 PM October 17, 2012

Beccy knows, lives in, loves and promotes Greece in a time when the international media is negative and 'cutting and pasting' every negative comment they can find. Isn't it better to cut and paste a comment from Beccy once in a while?

Chuck Sambuchino
18:57 PM October 17, 2012

Great blog! Beccy's observations are fun and spot on.

Sonia Marsh/Gutsy Living
19:51 PM October 17, 2012

Bex has an exciting blog where she shares life in Greece and offers interesting observations about cultural differences. She makes me want to pack my suitcase and take a trip to Greece. I'd love to meet Bex in person.

19:58 PM October 17, 2012

Lovely observations on everyday life, eagerness to understand greek everyday culture on a warm personal note! Refreshing, with equal portions of humour and seriousness, Bex's blog speaks from the heart to the heart!

00:12 AM October 18, 2012

Bex's love for Greece is the real deal. She has lived there, worked there, travelled, hosted others, and hung out there. She has poured herself with creative concern into her many students. She has also come as a student herself--eager to learn about the people and ways of her adopted country. Yet hers is not a Pollyannish or blind love--she sees the warts as well. But she knows that warts are OK. They make the country and its people ... and her keen observations on both ... human and believable. Bex has travelled to and lived elsewhere, so her attraction for Greece is not simply a passing infatuation with being in some exotic foreign country for the first time. Bex is full of life and energy--witness how long she has been writing about her new home and about how many varieties of facets she has explored. She wishes well for the place. Her blog and her observations are first-person, witty, and worthy of consideration by anyone who wants a window on one of the cradles of Western civilization.

08:52 AM October 18, 2012

Just discovered this blog and I am loving it.

Sonia Hondraki
12:57 PM October 18, 2012

I lived in Greece over 22 years. But before leaving the country, I had the pleasure of meeting Bex. I had stumbled through her blog and became hooked! She has a unique way of describing her experiences in Greece....raw, pure and realistic. Having lived there for so long, and understanding the dynamics of the Greek people and the country, I could say that Bex depicts the Greek culture head on. Her sense of humor and courage to say it like it is, makes the this blog an addiction and a must read!!!! Keep writing Bex! Always interested in what you have to say!!!

Caroline Daniels
16:28 PM October 18, 2012

Bex has an uncany knack of putting into words things that we all see, hear and think about but don't verbalise. Her blog has a refreshing honesty about it but her love for her adopted country shines through.

Dario Ciriello
19:44 PM October 21, 2012

Always topical, interesting, and entertaining. Bex's evident and tangible passion for Greece animates everything she writes. Excellent blog.

Anna Nicholas
12:38 PM December 08, 2012

A very engaging and insightful blog full of useful information and wonderful snapshots of a mesmerising country that despite its current economic woes, remains vibrant and brimming with character. Bex's love for the country and its people is evident in her lively and considered writing.

Barry O'Leary
18:11 PM December 08, 2012

A great blog with a useful insight into the world of Greece. Loving the LEW articles each week which provide all us expats with another look on life and remind us that we're not alone in this crazy expat world. Keep up the good work Bex! Thanks!

22:37 PM December 13, 2012

Bex's blog is a highly dangerous tool for a person like myself who can while unknowingly spend hours going deep into an interesting website. Leaving Cairo is not documents various events and aspects of Greek culture, but also documents Bex's own experiences and musings on the ins and outs of expat life. Her League of Expat Writers series and frequent book reviews give readers the chance to broaden their own world view and exposes other writers to her ever-increasing group of fans. Leaving Cairo has a lot to offer!

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