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Expat Guide to Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Welcome to the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES section homepage. Expat articles, guides, interviews and more! Currently we have 13 articles filed under UNITED ARAB EMIRATES...

29 Sep at 9 AM

Transportation Options When Moving to Dubai UAE

Moving to any new country involves a lot of decision making and contemplating where to live, how you will find a job and in what way you will navigate your new city, are just a few. One of the most important decisions for us was where to live in Dubai, because it was inextricably linked to me being able to navigate our new home. I don’t...
17 Sep at 2 PM

Finding Work in Dubai - UAE Expat Jobs and Employment

I think finding a job in Dubai was probably in the top 5 of to do list. Sure I wanted to be a tourist for a while but after a few days reality set in and a lot of research ensued. Being an expat brings with it some challenges in terms of employment.  As expats, we move because we're incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunity to...
10 Sep at 7 PM

Finding Somewhere to Live in Dubai - Expat Property

Finding somewhere to live, aside from your visa processes, is probably one of the most important parts of your move to Dubai. Maybe your partner will have arrived before you and have found somewhere to live already. Or maybe your employer is providing accommodation as part of your contract, in which case you're lucky. Maybe you will live in a...
2 Sep at 4 PM

Obtaining the Emirates ID Card - New Expat in Dubai

Every person entering and residing in the United Arab Emirates must obtain a Emirates ID card as part of their immigration process. It will become one of those fundamental identity documents during your time in the UAE, which you must always carry with you and is required for everything, from hiring a car, getting a bank account to visiting...
26 Aug at 11 AM

More About the Medical Examination in Dubai - New Expat Perspective

The medical examination is a fundamental part of the immigration process in Dubai and is required to obtain a full residence visa in the United Arab Emirates. While many people may be put off, nervous or even scared about a medical examination in a new country, it is a quick and easy process. The immigration process in the United Arab...
20 Aug at 2 PM

The Immigration Process When Becoming an Expat in Dubai

My immigration process to fully-fledged legal resident was rather pain free in hindsight, although I can't promise yours will be too. I have heard mixed accounts from fellow expats here in Dubai, but my best advice is to be prepared; have copies of everything, a million passport photographs and be patient. So I arrived in Dubai...
8 Aug at 1 PM

Moving to Dubai - #5 What to Expect When Landing in Dubai

I arrived at Dubai International Airport at about 11pm. After a whole day of traveling I was pretty exhausted and was praying for a speedy exit out of the airport. I have to say first impressions were not so great; the shiny, glamorous look of Dubai does not extend to Dubai international airport although I have been told if you fly with...
28 Jul at 9 AM

Moving to Dubai - #4 Organising Logistics to Becoming an Expat in Dubai

Moving to any country can be a logistical nightmare and what with a dog to move, and me in Cyprus, the logistics of moving to Dubai were pretty muddled. And then, one day, it all just fell into place. The dog left Cyprus a few days before me, heading straight for our new home in Dubai. That just left me. Instead of flying directly to...
21 Jul at 12 PM

Moving to Dubai - #3 Pet Shipping, Bringing Your Dog to Dubai

When we considered moving to Dubai, the dog was always a part of the equation and at no time did we contemplate leaving her behind. Ok maybe we did for one or two seconds when we realized the extent of the task we had ahead of ourselves, not to mention the cost. But she has firmly become part of the family and where we go, she will go....
14 Jul at 12 PM

Moving to Dubai - #2 Passports and Paperwork Needed to Move to Dubai

Paperwork and passports are both vital for a move to Dubai. Firstly you need to have at least 6 months validity on your passport and since your visa will be issued based on your passport, ensure the applications are done in the same name as on your passport. If you’re married and have changed your name, ensure the name on your marriage...
7 Jul at 12 PM

Moving to Dubai - #1 Research and Planning a Move to Dubai

I mentioned in the previous articles that moving to Dubai requires some research and with that comes planning. If your lucky enough to have a company organizing the entire relocation process then this series is probably redundant for you because they will provide you with experts to take all the stress off of your hands. If you are moving...
1 Jul at 4 PM

Moving to Dubai - the Practicalities

In my first article I wrote about deciding on Dubai and the things we considered before making the final decision to move to Dubai. A huge part of that process is the research stage but once the decision has been made, organizing your international move must be tackled. So we come to the practicalities of moving to Dubai. Whether your a...
23 Jun at 2 PM

Moving to Dubai - Making the Decision

Deciding to live in Dubai was not necessarily an easy decision. Sure I have lived in a hot country before (namely Cyprus) but that was Europe and a lot closer to home. So when the option of Dubai came up, a lot of pro's and con's lists were made and several Skype conferences with my partner, who was living in Germany at the time, followed....
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