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British Expat Living in United Arab Emirates - Interview with Kate

Published: 1 Apr at 9 AM
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Filed: Interviews,United Arab Emirates
YummyDubai is a blog based on 12 years of living within Dubai, UAE. Written by an English girl and her love of food, cooking, films, movies, books and shopping. The blog is fast growing, and originally it was for recipes and the odd restaurant review. It now includes movie reviews, book reviews and recommendations and shopping buys. Whilst the author might be invited to various events and restaurants, those who read the blog will find the witty and sometimes sharp tongue never lies. Kate's expat blog is called Yummy Dubai (see listing here)

Here's the interview with Kate...

Where are you originally from?
Originally from England, I have lived in Dubai for almost 12 years, Tunisia, Scotland and Switzerland. Travelling has defiantly inspired my many lazy recipes and given me a strong and experienced perspective on life.

In which country and city are you living now?
I am currently living in Dubai, and plan to remain here at least one more year. Every time I leave, I end up coming back, which is fairly typical of Dubai. So lets see what the future holds!

How long have you lived in United Arab Emirates and how long are you planning to stay?
I have lived in Dubai for 12 years this year, and I am only 22, so thats over half my life. I plan to stay at least one more year, but I have very itchy feet and love to travel, so even if I don't move away permanently, I will probably explore the rest of the world at year intervals.

Why did you move to United Arab Emirates and what do you do?
I actually work in a PR company, so I am the girl that sits and writes press releases all day. I actually love it, I also get to badger and harass journalists and bloggers to they publish things for me, it does mean I get to speak to a wide variety of people which I love. My writing improves every day, though I purposely keep the theme on my blog causal.

Did you bring family with you?
I am single *sigh* . No I'm only joking, I am single by choice, at this point in my life I really don't want to settle down with someone, I have a great job, amazing friends and family and the love of my life, Gulliver, my french bulldog.

How did you find the transition to living in a foreign country?
I actually moved here was I had just turned 11, so it was really hard. I felt a lot more restricted here then I was in England. I left when I was 16, then came back, then left again and now I'm newly back.

Was it easy making friends and meeting people; do you mainly socialise with other expats?
I love meeting new people, I am really social and as a result I love to go out. Though a quiet night in front the TV is also very appealing. I do mainly socialise with expats, I have some local friends but in Dubai there is a huge cultural barrier.

What are the best things to do in the area; anything to recommend to future expats?
Best things? Well if you like waterparks check out Wild Water, for restaurants check my blog. Visit the cinema gold class and be pampered. If you want to shop, what better place then the largest mall in the world? If you are coming to Dubai then I am always happy to recommend to someone where to go :)

What do you enjoy most about living in United Arab Emirates?
Dubai, is almost like a dream, there is no where else in the world like it. It has some seriously amazing opportunities and there are so many people to meet and of course, things to do!

How does the cost of living in United Arab Emirates compare to home?
It is more expensive, there is defiantly a lot more pressure to look and dress a certain way. I go out a lot more here, then back in England.

What negatives, if any, are there to living in United Arab Emirates?
Probably that it is a lot more expensive, it is a lot more appealing to go out then stay in. It is probably the only place in the world where it is literally cheaper to order lunch and dinner all week then go for a weekly shop!

If you could pick one piece of advice to anyone moving to United Arab Emirates, what would it be?
Well aside from visiting my blog, bring summer clothes, do everything and enjoy!

What has been the hardest aspect to your expat experience so far?
I don't really have one, I think when I was younger there wasn't anything to do. Now there are a lot more things for youngsters to do in Dubai, there are clubs and out of school activities that I didn't have growing up here.

When you finally return home, how do you think you'll cope with repatriation?
I probably won't return to England, in comparison (not to make an enemies) but it isn't as nice, in Dubai there is a higher standard of living and I like that.

What are your top 5 expat tips for anyone following in your footsteps?
  1. Spend time going out with friends.
  2. Travel somewhere every other weekend.
  3. Go shopping, and when you've shopped enough..shop some more!
  4. Eat everywhere and everything! You are going to die one day, so be fat and happy with a chunk of chocolate cake in your hands.
  5. Write, keep writing and if you want to be serious you have to practice. The more you write, the more topics you will cover. You have to enjoy writing a blog, it shouldn't be a hassle, 'oh I have to write a post this week'. Each month I complete a monthly challenge and write about it in my blog, my March challenge is to write a post a day!
Tell us a bit about your own expat blog.
YummyDubai is all about me, it isn't a diary, but it does document what and where I eat, buy, read and watch. I don't take bribes. I love receiving invites but that doesn't mean I will write something nice.

How can you be contacted for further advice to future expats coming to your area?
The best way to find me is via my email address, go onto my blog yummydubai.net and onto the all about me page.

About the author

Expat Blog ListingKate is a British expat living in United Arab Emirates. Blog description: Food lover & restaurant reviewer
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