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Expats in the UAE donate to help newborn quadruplets and their parents

Published:  17 Jul at 6 PM
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Tagged: Dubai, UAE
Kind-hearted expatriates based in the UAE are helping the new parents of quadruplets by donating to cover the mounting hospital bills.

After an UAE English language newspaper had featured the Nigerian couple’s struggle to pay for the babies’ delivery, good-hearted expats stepped forward to help the couple by donating cash to cover the mounting hospital bill. It’s now not just the cost of the birth, as the four tiny babies are still in incubators and will need to remain there for at least seven more weeks. At present, the total bill is Dh250,000, but the full amount is estimated at around Dh600,000, even after negotiations with the hospital’s admin department.

The babies’ mother was discharged last week, with their father telling the media he is grateful for all the assistance and kindness he and his little family are being shown. The couple are now staying in a new apartment kindly offered for a rent-free three month period by a Portuguese expat once he’d seen their story in the paper. The babies’ father works as a chef at a Dubai restaurant, earning just enough to survive, and can’t believe how kind and generous people can be.

It’s not just the Nigerian expat community who’ve rushed to help, as the couple’s plight has touched expat communities across the city. The couple didn’t have medical insurance as it’s too expensive and an attempt before the birth to get repatriation flights back to Nigeria had failed, leaving the little family with more debts. At the time of writing, the two baby boys and two girls are in good health and expected to survive, with their parents eternally grateful for the generosity and support of Dubai’s expat community.
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