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- Is it really like this? 9 years ago Update Nov 2015 - sadly came across this article, Unwanted in Paradise. As sad as it is this was not very surprising. Unless you are a professional (Accountant Lawyer) or have some amazing connections on island it will be a challenge getting a work permit. Original Post: Came across this today...
- Prenatal Care 9 years ago Ob-gynI have mentioned in previous posts that health care in Cayman is private. Employers are by law required to provide it to their employees. The prenatal care is no exception. When you get pregnant the first thing you need to figure out is who your ob-gyn will be. There are many choices on the...
- A Change of Direction 9 years ago It has been almost 8 months since my last post and the reason for that is because circumstances have changed a little bit. As is par for the course, I have been on island now almost 4 years, have met the one and am now having a baby. Island life is a bit different for a married couple and very...
- Lobster Night at the Grand Cayman Marriott 10 years ago After three years on island I have moved to Seven Mile Beach and the timing could not have been better. I am reaching the three year itch. It looks like for most people the itch comes around year two and that is why there is a common belief that if you make it past the two year mark on island you...
- Turks And Caicos vs Cayman 10 years ago One perk of some accounting jobs on island is getting to travel to some pretty cool places for work. Recently my significant other had a meeting in Turks and Caicos. I have heard of it before but never really pictured it. We spent 3 days there and I could not help comparing it to Cayman.Turks and...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Cayman Islands Bronze Award!
This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Cayman Islands!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Cayman Expat
20:54 PM July 15, 2015
20:54 PM July 15, 2015
There were some great takes on what it was like to be new in Cayman, and to be single in Cayman. What is lacking is takes on the current state ... what life is like now 4 years in, married with child. And I don't mean mechanics of child care, tighter money and similar generic new parent stuff. Give us some real musings of what its like to be a married expat with a kid living in a place that is not home. For example, there's got to be some real thinking about whether to stay or go - and if go, when and where. Overall a nice blog.