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Spanish views from a small town

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Spanish views from a small town
A blog about an American living in a small Spanish town. I write about life in general and experiences in particular. Sometimes I ramble through memories of another time.
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- Beginning Over, 20. The Death of A Dream. 2 years ago July 4th was the celebration of Independence Day in the United States. It was a day to celebrate the founding of a nation based on certain basic freedoms. People usually have barbecues, watch fireworks, go to parades, and shoot at other people.It is so ironic that one of the amendments on the...
- Beginning Over, 19. Fire and Memories. 2 years ago Today is St. John's Day, and is a regional holiday. Last night, many bonfires lit the cloudy skies, and the sea was emptied of sardines to be roasted over the coals. Our daughter went to friends' in Santiago, but my husband and I roasted our own sardines and built our own little bonfire, over which...
- Beginning Over, 18. Reconquering History. 2 years ago A statue of the Apostle James has been removed from a prominent spot in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, dedicated to him. It has been deemed inapporpriate, because it represented the Apostle upon a white, rearing horse, with a sword in his hand, trampling on the infidels. It's a popular...
- Beginning Over, 17. Pro-Hypocrisy. 2 years ago The Right in the United States pride themselves for being pro-life. Now that it seems that the Roe v. Wade decision will probably be overturned, they are rubbing their hands together in glee, catching a glimpse of all the children they will "save", including the issue from ectopic pregnancies (even...
- Beginning Over, 16. Non-Politics, Non-Song, Nonsense. 2 years ago Saturday night was yet another edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. As was more or less predictable, Ukraine won by popular vote. Their song was not one of my favorites, but I think people judged more on the situation than on musical merits. Which is really ironic, because this contest is...
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