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Living in rural Mallorca

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Living in rural Mallorca
The trials, tribulations and joys of country life in an old Mallorcan finca, written by one-time townie Jan Edwards.
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  • Making Room for the Mushrooms 3 years ago Read about the slight hiccup in the execution of our latest garden project. The post Making Room for the Mushrooms appeared first on Living in Rural Mallorca.

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Website Reviews » There are 23 reviews on Living in rural Mallorca

Judith Paskin
16:57 PM November 07, 2012

Jan's blog captures the sunshine and stresses of living abroad. It is such an entertaining read - you feel you are right there with her. I love her humourous comments on the day-to-day challenges. You really get to know her, Richard and the entertaining outside cats! Her writing is warm, funny and totally engaging. The next best thing to popping over there to see her!

Richard Dunn
17:13 PM November 07, 2012

Interesting, entertaining and funny. Living in rural Mallorca myself I can completely identify with Jan's experiences and the problems she has overcome. Keep blogging - I'll keep reading!

Kristina Matthews
10:48 AM November 18, 2012

Congratulations Jan! Well deserved. Your blog is always so interesting and entertaining to read - I can't wait for the next instalment!

Duncan Matthews
13:17 PM November 20, 2012

Congratulations! I really enjoy reading your blog, Jan - always informative, always funny and always 'with a twist'... A bit like reading a book that has been serialised in a daily newspaper - except that it's free! But, above all, your style of writing 'paints a picture' that can be instantly captured by the reader, as if they were also present at each 'happening' - a real talent! Brilliant!

William Newton
12:55 PM November 21, 2012

As someone who loves Spain and someday dreams of retiring to the countryside there, Jan Edwards' blog is like a preview of coming attractions. She engagingly recounts the ups and downs about life in rural Mallorca from the perspective of an Englishwoman taking the best attitude toward her adventures: enjoying it as it comes, with a thread of clever wit running through it. For me it is a great escapist pleasure, which I look forward to reading every time she posts.

Haddon Davies
14:19 PM November 27, 2012

Always a great read. As a recent discoverer of the stunning north of Mallorca, it's great to hear all about the trials, tribulations and joys of life on the island from a writer, whose personal experience of the island is wide and varied.

Karen Madgwick
13:48 PM December 02, 2012

I love this blog. A really interesting insight to all aspects - the good, the bad and the quirky - of living in rural Mallorca. From the practicalities to the characters, it is always really interesting, well written and good fun.

Vicki McLeod
14:50 PM December 04, 2012

A wry account of a sometimes not very dry place! I can always hear Jan speaking when I read her blog. vx

16:25 PM December 04, 2012

Brilliant writing :-) x

Barbara Grimwade
17:08 PM December 04, 2012

I always look forward to reading Jan’s insightful and humorous blog. I can’t help but nod and giggle as she paints such a true picture of what life is like here. Well done Jan!

17:25 PM December 04, 2012

I absolutely love Jan's stories. Please never stop writing!

Denise Wrobbel
18:50 PM December 04, 2012

Jan´s writing is always insightful and entertaining. It is warm & amusing as if writing to a beloved friend and it never fails to raise a smile. A wonderful insight to the joys & tribulations of day to day life in rural Mallorca by someone who clearly feels so at home.

19:43 PM December 04, 2012

Wonderful short stories about real life living in Mallorca. Always look forward to her posts. thank you.

Michael Mead
19:59 PM December 04, 2012

Your daily blogs Jan make me feel quite home sick,always interesting and just like your meals enjoyable.Merry Christmas Jan and Richard look forward to seeing you soon, Michael

John & Marie
23:53 PM December 04, 2012

We find it particularly interesting as we used to live in the finca from 1991 and rebuilt it during the following 10 years. Jan & Richard have taken it on from there and we are always delighted to be invited to visit when we return to Mallorca and see what else has been done/improved - one of the biggest is the development of two excellent vineyards within a couple of kilometres and I always seek to supplement my wine cellar when I am there. Buena suerte! Keep up the good work

Paul Betts
01:45 AM December 05, 2012

A lovely read. Look forward to each new instalment as I can relate to each and every word! Keep up the good work Jan.

Annie Verrinder
06:20 AM December 05, 2012

Always enjoy Jan's blogs..... she writes it just how it is

08:13 AM December 05, 2012

Interesting, informative and erudite blogging

Selina MacKenzire
09:11 AM December 05, 2012

I love reading from Jan. She is so eloquent and accurate on her accounts. keep up the good work!

09:42 AM December 05, 2012

I have been following Jan's blog for sometime now and I eagerly await fo her latest post. Her writing is entertaining and I can perfectly relate to her experiences. Mallorca is a paradise island but you must also be aware of its difficulties. Looking forward to reading her next post!

Mike Dye
09:47 AM December 05, 2012

I went to school with Jan... she lived across the back lane. Her talents were obvious then and more so today, as highlighted by these brilliant, witty, insightful blogs! I desperately want to give her 10 stars... 5 are not enough!!

Mike Dye
10:01 AM December 05, 2012

I went to school with Jan... she lived across the back lane. Her talents were obvious then and more so today, as highlighted by these brilliant, witty, insightful blogs! I desperately want to give her 10 stars... 5 are not enough!!

Justine Knox
09:54 AM December 06, 2012

Jan, just read some of your blog posts for the first time and really enjoyed them. Keep up the wit, i love it. Justine

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