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Making Here Home

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Making Here Home
Travel-lover, reading obsessive and mum-of-two doing my best to navigate life in a different country. Over last few years I've been trying to make wherever 'here' is feel like home - from Thailand to Germany and who knows where next... My mission, to paraphrase the wonderful Maya Angelou, is to thrive, and not just survive in these expat postings. And if I can help you too, by sharing my experiences and advice (usually learned from having done things the hard way..) then that's even better. So, a bit about me. My career was in marketing and change management and I worked for several large multinational organisations in the UK before my husband's job took us to Thailand. And then I had to work out who I was as an expat wife. It was a challenge, but also a wonderful opportunity. When we moved to Germany, I really felt like I needed support, but it wasn't easy to find. So, I decided to do it myself and set up 'Making Here Home'. I offer expat coaching to other women (and men) on the move, to help them find themselves in their new home, and to really make the most of their time living overseas - to overcome the challenges and to maximise the opportunities.
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  • Summer Reading Recomendations 2020 4 years ago Summer 2020 might not be quite what we had planned...but even if you can’t travel, here some great book recommendations to transport you The post Summer Reading Recomendations 2020 appeared first on Making Here Home .
  • Comfort Reads... 5 years ago These are strange, anxiety-inducing times. It is hard to feel such a lack of control. It’s not easy to have to stay at home with no social interaction. But I think reading helps most situations, and for me this is a time for comfort reads. Everyone’s definition of ‘comfort read’ will be...
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Website Reviews » There are 9 reviews on Making Here Home

19:16 PM May 12, 2017

Love this blog, great tips and an enjoyable read

20:30 PM May 12, 2017

I can always relate to this blog about expat life. It's so helpful to read about someone who understands the trials and tribulations (as well as the joys and successes) of living in a "host country" rather than a "home country." Can't wait to keep reading!

20:37 PM May 12, 2017

Love the fact I can relate to your blogs and they always make me smile

Sharon France
17:50 PM May 13, 2017

My comments are of course are going to be positive as I am the bloggers mum! I am so proud of your courage and tenacity and how you make everything a positive But even more than that how you are sharing your experiences to help others You are such a kind person and you write so eloquently, just like your mum!

Dominic Jones
12:15 PM May 15, 2017

Such a lovely read each time. The blog is a great insight into expat life and I can imagine a fantastic support tool for anyone who is 'making here home'. Beautifully written with a funny, warm and friendly tone throughout. Keep up the good work!

Briony Randall
20:51 PM May 16, 2017

I initially found your blog when we briefly flirted with the idea of moving abroad with my husband's job. It was like you were in my head, all the tiny details causing sleepless nights and worry. You managed to help me see that this is normal and what was really important. The move is now off the cards (at least temporarily) but I so loved your posts I have continued to follow you. Now instead of making lists about things I need to consider if moving abroad, I am now making lists of countries I'd like to visit thanks to the beautiful photos, tips and descriptions of your fantastic family holidays.

Jenny Lucas
22:19 PM May 16, 2017

This is a lovely blog. It's great to hear about your experiences so far in Thailand & Germany and there are great tips to help others on their journey. I look forward to reading your next post :)

09:32 AM May 20, 2017

I love reading this blog, the posts are engaging and it's great to hear genuine stories about your experiences. Thank-you for sharing

Jessica Jones
09:48 AM May 20, 2017

Great ideas, beautiful and funny writing style. I get a little dopamine hit every time my email notification alerts me to a new blog post.

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