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Living in Sin

Living in Sin
English-Irish lifelong expat (though I don't like the term) living and working in Singapore for at least the next 2 years. Blogging about what it is like to move here.
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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Singapore Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Singapore!

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Website Reviews » There are 34 reviews on Living in Sin

Linda Sestock
18:26 PM November 09, 2012

Am enjoying the musings of "Living in Sin" from far away Canada.

02:22 AM November 10, 2012

I love the view of Singapore, especially the vivid descriptions and pictures of the wonderful cuinsine. Makes me want to go!

02:54 AM November 10, 2012

Delightful episodes of exploration in Asia. Putting Singapore on the top of my places-to-visit list.

Louise Colla
04:10 AM November 10, 2012

Enjoying the idle ramblings of " Living in Sin " from far away France

Martin Colla
08:48 AM November 10, 2012

Got us looking forward to visiting in 2013.

Guy Kavanagh
10:49 AM November 10, 2012

Lovely photos show off the great food in Singapore

12:27 PM November 10, 2012

I was thinking about you lately I read a book called outlander from daiana gabaldon Even if you are not schotish I still was thinking about you Nice and very long book... Oo ja in the men time. Lo finished the other book of her Dragonfly in amber I try however not to read your food colom as I get a crave and it's not good for my unsuccessful diet Mmmmmmm Hugz from cold wet holland Xx

Ron Young
18:21 PM November 10, 2012

I love this blog! Having not visited yet (but in the plan) it makes me so excited to visit next year! I feel like I am living the experience through this blog and can really connect! Thank you!! :)

08:39 AM November 11, 2012

inspiring blog.. makes you want to come and visit!

15:36 PM November 12, 2012

Great blog, varied content and loads of nice pics.

14:16 PM November 24, 2012

Danielle writes a great blog and even though I have lived in singapore for longer, I never fail to find it informative & witty.

14:46 PM November 24, 2012

First of all Sooooo funny then so yummy Love it ! Keep these posts coming

22:27 PM November 24, 2012

love it as usual :-) thank you Danielle for this refreshing reading

Franca Diruscio
10:47 AM November 26, 2012

Great blog Danielle! Missing you in France but so happy to read that all is going well for you guys =) I look forward to more reading... big kiss Franca xo

13:39 PM November 26, 2012

Very lively comments and great pics :) Fun to read!

Juliet Kavanagh
16:27 PM November 26, 2012

Lively and entertaining. Great to read...

16:29 PM November 26, 2012

Really entertaining blog - good stories and really vivid pictures, can't wait to visit!

19:24 PM November 26, 2012

very enjoyable! It makes you feel you are there!

03:32 AM November 27, 2012

A great blog, fun and informative. Danielle never fails to see the something that is worth blogging about in the everyday!

11:53 AM November 27, 2012

Lovely blog post, enjoying the food posts the most!

Lela K
09:54 AM November 28, 2012

Great blog! Great Food! Go Team!

02:51 AM November 29, 2012

Awesome blog, really fun to read, especially as a fellow expat living in Singapore!

12:38 PM November 29, 2012

excellent blog Danielle!! I love following your adventures from the comfort of my armchair!! Hope to see you both soon (either in SIN or NCE)

Jennifer Kavanagh
10:28 AM November 30, 2012

Such a vivid picture of life in Singapore, with lovely pictures too. We really feel we're there.

04:09 AM December 04, 2012

Great blog Danielle. Lool forward to more updates!

08:20 AM December 04, 2012

amazing blog !!!!

08:33 AM December 04, 2012

Great stuff, Dan- I like to think of it as your "turning veg blog"...any day now :)

15:29 PM December 04, 2012

Greta posts and way to get to know SIN

21:36 PM December 04, 2012

Enjoy the photos and words. You've an eye for the pics. Your father's daughter for sure. Keep up the good work.

22:46 PM December 04, 2012

Love the blog, Dan, and the photos. Amazed by what you now eat as I remember the picky little girl who only ate peas and two other things!

09:20 AM December 05, 2012

Living in sin more and more with every meal!

20:42 PM December 14, 2012

Great blog.

Sue Evans
10:29 AM April 07, 2013

Hi Danielle, I love your blog - reminds me of my trips to Singapore - I can feel the warmth and sunshine coming through here in wet cold Wales!

Lynn L
00:39 AM November 22, 2013

Love your blog - your food recommendations are always spot on. Thanks for being a foodie lol!!

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