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The Naked Baker

The Naked Baker
I am Swedish with an American mother but live in Dublin, Ireland since 2006. Love brought me here and the love of the country, friends and boyfriend have kept me here.
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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Ireland Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in Ireland!

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Website Reviews » There are 19 reviews on The Naked Baker

18:35 PM November 04, 2012

The naked bakers treats are guaranteed to get you through any cold wet windy day in Ireland! :D

Annabel Torrie
18:56 PM November 04, 2012

Love love love this blog! The photos make me want to lick the screen and the recipes are really easy to follow. Good job!

Daire Thornton
19:24 PM November 04, 2012

Love this blog. Always my first port of call when I want to do some baking naked.

19:28 PM November 04, 2012

I really like this blog for the way its written, the mouth watering pictures and handy tips - its just great and I regularly visit it for updates ...sometimes I even bake using the recipes! A real winner for me!

19:54 PM November 04, 2012

warm and entertaining, indepth recipes and great advice too. Wonderful, wonderful blog, just cant say enough really

21:01 PM November 04, 2012

Fantastic read which is unusual for food blog. Full of amazing photos and recipes, definitely worth the price.

21:22 PM November 04, 2012

What a wonderful little blog! Excellent photos and inspiring recipes. Can't recommend it enough.

Samantha Whiye
21:45 PM November 04, 2012

Fantastic blog! Very well layed out with easy to follow recipes that are just extraordinarily tasty finger licking good!!!!!! Each time I think it can't possibly get any tastier it does!!! I find it a very encouraging warm hearted blog!!!

Aine Stokes
21:48 PM November 04, 2012

This is one of the best new blogs for baking. Recipes are irresistible and taste just as good as the writer promises. The tips are so practical and there is great care taken to ensure bloggers get it right!! The brownies are the best I've ever had and I made them ;))

11:59 AM November 05, 2012

i can always count on this blog for a little of sweden, a litte of irland, a little of USA and always a lot of lovely recipies and inspiration! love it!

Zoe McQuillan
13:49 PM November 05, 2012

Brilliant blog!! Warm, funny and something tasty no matter what the mood!

15:05 PM November 05, 2012

positively brilliant blog!!!!!!

18:22 PM November 06, 2012

A delicious blog that make me want to bake more than just the standard chocolatecake I use to. Its written in a charming way and have beutiful and creative pictures. Love it!

19:51 PM November 07, 2012

This blog is so well done that i can almost taste the food. The recipes are very easy to follow and the pictures are fantastic. Something for everybody here.

Erika Pitsillides
16:49 PM November 13, 2012

One of my favorite blogs! Love everything about it, especially the pictures and the story behind every post and recipe!

Timothy O'donnell
19:08 PM November 14, 2012

A great blog, truly top notch & inspires novices to start baking! Brownie recipe is wonderful, a real treat, great innovative recipes from the classics to more creative & quirky ones! A must visit for all fans of sweet things :-) tod

11:21 AM November 21, 2012

I really enjoy reading this lovely blog filled with delicious looking and sounding recipes! Keep writing, it's fantastic!

French Foodie
13:52 PM November 27, 2012

I discovered the Naked baker thanks to Expats blog. It's full of yummy recipes and beautiful pictures. I now crave for Chocolate and Bailey's fudge and Christmassy hot chocolate! Thanks for sharing your beautiful recipes!

15:52 PM December 24, 2012

Each time I look at this blog there is always something new, exciting, fun, and inspirational to look at. I enjoy it very much and marvel at the creativity and unlimited energy that goes into writing it.

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