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Jeanie De Melo

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Jeanie De Melo
Expat life in Governador Valadares / Minas Gerais / Brazil.
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- Brazilian "Manners" Part II 3 years ago I put Manners in quotations like a passive aggressive asshole because sometimes I just can't deal with the culture here. A friend recently clued me in to a Brazilian term - I do not know how to spell it - but it basically translates to "the way a monkey would behave." With the racism in Brazil, she...
- Mandioca 101 3 years ago Mandioca (aka yuca aka cassava) is a staple in Brazilian cuisine. I learned how to cook it in the US, because it was so incredible I just couldn't wait for our Brazilian friends to make some every once in a while. Mandioca is a root vegetable. We actually visited a distant relative's farm (which...
- Thank You Recession - Cooking 3 years ago Farley and I joke that we left the US recession for the Brazilian one. The real has dropped and prices have skyrocketed. We were lucky enough to move here, buy a vehicle, and furnish our house while the dollar to real value was in our favor. But, since we were used to living like broke college...
- Gender Disappointment - It's Okay 3 years ago My first child was a boy and I was ecstatic. I always wanted to be a boy mom. Going to soccer games, playing with dinosaurs, wrestling, all the fun things. I grew up with two younger brothers and I was all about the boy life. My son was so much work as a baby and toddler, but he was adorable and I...
- Garden of the Gods 3 years ago (Note: I wrote this pre-quarantine).The kids and I recently spent three months in Denver visiting my brother, Jeff. We arrived the day before Thanksgiving and returned mid-February. During our last visit to the States, we traveled a lot. We were all over the country trying to catch up with family...
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