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Invading Holland

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Invading Holland
The story of an accident prone Englishman in Holland
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  • Doe Normaal - How to Be 'Normal' Like the Dutch 3 years ago Invading Holland Doe Normaal – How to Be ‘Normal’ Like the Dutch If you’ve lived in the Netherlands for any amount of time you have probably heard the Dutch phrase ‘Doe Normaal’. You might even have had it shouted at you by a passing local. If... This post Doe Normaal – How to Be...
  • 20 Years in the Netherlands - A letter to my younger self 3 years ago Invading Holland 20 Years in the Netherlands – A letter to my younger self Hello Stuart, Welcome to the Netherlands. Don’t panic! I know everything feels very weird and overwhelming right now but I am writing to you from the future to tell you that everything will be... This post 20 Years in...
  • Dutch Flag Confusion on King's Day 3 years ago Invading Holland Dutch Flag Confusion on King’s Day “Am I really as integrated into Dutch society as I think I am?”  This is a question I’ve started asking myself whenever I stand in front of a mirror, about to use a Dutch... This post Dutch Flag Confusion on King’s Day appeared first on...
  • How to Simulate King's Day at Home 3 years ago Invading Holland How to Simulate King’s Day at Home Thanks to the Corona virus we are approaching our second Koningsdag (King’s Day) during lock down. Because of this it will be impossible to celebrate the day as normal… or will it? We might... This post How to Simulate King’s Day at Home...
  • The Justice of the Silent Train Carriage 4 years ago Invading Holland The Justice of the Silent Train Carriage There is a place in the Netherlands where law and order reign supreme. It is a place where the consequences of stepping out of line are more severe than normal. If you ever find... This post The Justice of the Silent Train Carriage appeared...

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  • Seven Weird Things Tourists do When Visiting Amsterdam Expat Blog Awards 2013 Tourists are strange. Anyone who has ever encountered a tourist will know this to be true. They do strange things and ask strange questions. It is as if the simple act of leaving their own country for a short while frees them of the restraints of...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Netherlands Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Netherlands!

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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Netherlands Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Netherlands!

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Website Reviews » There are 63 reviews on Invading Holland

21:59 PM October 24, 2012

A brilliantly amusing blog which makes me chortle out loud. Story telling at its best in the blogosphere.

14:53 PM October 26, 2012

We're fond of him !!

22:21 PM October 26, 2012

The best and most amusing blog in Europe. It's always a delight to read and I just love Stu's self deprecating insights about what it is to be English in Holland.

22:42 PM October 26, 2012

I can't read enough posts of Stu! Brilliant! And I'm not a foreigner but as Dutch as can be. After reading all his posts several times, I started reading them to my boyfriend. We both think dat Stu should writes books! We can imagine all the situations he gets involved in and we find every single post as funny as can be. Actually, we are very proud to have Stu as our (un?)official King (inside joke for Stu-followers) and since we've read his posts, we are determined to avoid anything that seems like a circle party when we celebrate our birthdays. Stu, thank you for letting us inti your life and daily issues!

23:38 PM October 27, 2012

I can really relate to Stu's quirky but oh so spot on observations on life as an expat. Fabulous!

01:24 AM October 28, 2012

Hilarious. This guy is spot on. Reminds me of the time I was a expat myself

07:32 AM October 28, 2012

Stu makes me laugh out loud, and I am a miserable git. Thanks Stu.

12:50 PM October 28, 2012

As soon as I'm done reading an entry, I look forward to the next one. It's a great read for us expats, and very funny too.

Barb The French Bean
16:27 PM October 29, 2012

This blog is one of my absolute favorites (possibly my favorite) on the Interwebz. Invader Stu has an incredible and hilarious writing style that captivates his audience with his life about living in the Netherlands while making them burst their guts open with laughter!

17:31 PM November 01, 2012

Being very Dutch it's hilarious to read about our traditions and strange habits (Dutch circle party here we go!). Read this blog when you are Dutch or foreign, it's soooo funny!

21:56 PM November 01, 2012

For the Dutch people everything is normal, but when you read the blog (from an English point of view), you realise that it is not that normal. After reading the blog you will understand what I mean. So start reading!!!!!!

14:03 PM November 05, 2012

A super witty blog, always have a right laugh reading the posts

21:29 PM November 05, 2012

Every country has it oddnesses but the Dutch really seem to have a lot of them! I have been following this blog for two years now and still new topics are being published frequently. Cool!

Adrian Albu
08:41 AM November 06, 2012

Very cool blog.

08:46 AM November 06, 2012

Stu has a great ability to make fun of the little oddities that anyone living in the Netherlands has experienced.

08:51 AM November 06, 2012

As an expat in The Netherlands I understand Stu feelings and shocks with the country (circle parties) Every day has a fun, witty article, that lights your spirit and make you realize, you are not alone in this country, more think like you and have suffered the shock with you. Love it, puts a smile on my day. Thanks Invader Stu!!

08:57 AM November 06, 2012

Invading Holland and especially Stu is Excellent witty charming and so interesting on his personal insights into the seddy underbelly of the expat world, We just love him to bits! Read his blogs Every day and twice on Sundays! My whole family thinks he is just the bee's knees and the cat's pajamas So thanks for sharing all the wonder that is Invading Holland Stu as always a Pleasure

08:57 AM November 06, 2012

I just don't know how to describe it, but I really like the way Stuart tells about us Dutchies. I mean, have you ever heard of a circle party or attended one? I grew up with them, so they were pretty normal to me. Turns out that they are totally weird to all non-Dutchies. He makes me laugh at our own customs, and that's what I like.

08:57 AM November 06, 2012

Invading Holland and especially Stu is Excellent witty charming and so interesting on his personal insights into the seddy underbelly of the expat world, We just love him to bits! Read his blogs Every day and twice on Sundays! My whole family thinks he is just the bee\'s knees and the cat\'s pajamas So thanks for sharing all the wonder that is Invading Holland Stu as always a Pleasure

08:58 AM November 06, 2012

A wonderful take on life in the Netherlands through an Englishman's eyes. I love his self-deprecating humour, fantastic illustrations, and accident-prone ways.

Alexandra Whitener
09:05 AM November 06, 2012

I discovered Stu upon my arrival to the Netherlands and he has since put a smile on my face every time I read his blog. He's got the sense of humor that only an English man can portray and the insightfulness and wit of his writing fits my very own thoughts like a glove , a very comfortable warm and fuzzy glove. I love Stu and wish I would have him in my friends entourage , but for now I' ll settle with reading his thoughts about life in this beautiful country. :)

Marysol Silva
09:38 AM November 06, 2012

Awesome blog, one of my personal favorites! Fun, witty and completely accurate! Love it!

Sheila Sens
09:46 AM November 06, 2012

The funniest and best written blog I could find about life in Holland. Stu is amazingly creative and has a great talent on decoding the dutch culture.

09:54 AM November 06, 2012

Few bloggers can match Stu's wit and insight as he describes his encounters with the everyday idiosyncrasies of Dutch culture. Often recognizable, frequently hilarious and always entertaining, Invading Holland is by far my favorite entry in the Expat Blog Awards. Go Stu!

09:58 AM November 06, 2012

This blog is hilarious and Stu is brilliant. Hail King Stu!

10:17 AM November 06, 2012

Much of the expat blogosphere here in Europe is filled with relentless naval-gazing, uber-serious self indulgence and humorless posts about "finding yourself." Stu's Invading Holland is none of these things, thank dog. It's funny, poignant and it has nifty cartoons. Nifty cartoons!

10:31 AM November 06, 2012

I follow many blogs, but there are only a very slim few that I actually come back to again and again! Stu's blog about the random encounters and experiences he runs into in the land of cheese and windmills are so incredibly funny, and hit the spot with precision, as to what it is like to be an outsider in Holland. Invading Holland gets my vote!

11:50 AM November 06, 2012

I tried to find blogs to prepare me for the experience of moving to the Netherlands. Stu's is my favorite by far.

12:34 PM November 06, 2012

I keep reading this blog for half a year now. Always looking forward to new posts,they just make my day!

09:27 AM November 07, 2012

Have been reading this blog for some years now and it doesn't fail to keep me surprised with new fresh entries. As entertaining as ever.

Dave Jones
10:24 AM November 07, 2012

Sorry that the debt you incur from my leaving a comment doesn't include Rentokil services. You owe me one, but you've already paid in advance by the pleasure I've had from reading your blog. Witty and accurate, so many experiences I recognise.

22:20 PM November 08, 2012

Stu is the voice of all expats in the Netherlands... and he says it in a much more humorous way than the rest of us ever could. I love his deep look at the eccentricities of life here in Holland

11:09 AM November 22, 2012

I've been reading Stu's blog since before I moved to The Netherlands. My (Dutch) girlfriend had heard of it and pointed it out to me whilst I was still in the UK. After reading one or two posts, I was hooked and did a complete catch-up from post number 1! I always loo forward to a new post.

15:04 PM November 22, 2012

A very entertaining blog! Written with a lot of humour, and still going strong after several years.

15:13 PM November 22, 2012

Stu is unfailing witty and insightful. Fabulous blog. :)

15:56 PM November 22, 2012

Best expat blog I know :)

18:30 PM November 22, 2012

Reading Stuarts blog make me love being so Dutch :-) Every blog is hilarious and make me laugh. If you've never read is, let's get started!

10:34 AM November 27, 2012

This one. Yes, this one. It is good. That is all.

Koen Havik
10:37 AM November 27, 2012

Great blog! So true and recognizable.

08:03 AM November 28, 2012

Wow, reading this blog for almost 5 years now. Being able to entertain me for that long is a challenge. Invading Holland has succeeded. He comes with new original stories every time. And gives us Dutchies a glimp of how it is to be living in the Netherlands. And he does that in the most funniest way possible. Way the go Stu! Love the cartoons!

14:00 PM November 28, 2012

He's so incredibly funny.

Dragon Lady
17:04 PM November 28, 2012

Invader Stu always makes me laugh. If I am having a bad day I just have to read his latest post and depending on the subject he either cheers me up or makes me think my life is not that bad compared to some of the things that happen to him. Well done Stuart,please please never stop writting.

19:16 PM November 28, 2012

Fantastic blog! Even my Dutch boyfriend reads it from time to time. Hoping to move from the US to be with him soon. I really enjoy all of your funny encounters in the Netherlands.

03:47 AM November 30, 2012

Amazingly funny. Makes us want to move back home to Holland!!

Rinda Scheltens
09:36 AM November 30, 2012

So funny to see your country through someone elses eyes.

10:41 AM November 30, 2012

I found his blog by accident about 3 years ago. And I'm still happy I did!

10:04 AM December 03, 2012

My favourite expat blog, always makes me smile. The Sinterklaas letter alone should earn Stuart this award. Another favourite is the circle party post. All my friends (Dutch and Australian) found it hilarious.

Janet Taylor
14:14 PM December 03, 2012

I really enjoyed this blog!

14:38 PM December 03, 2012

Just discovered this blog, and will follow it for sure... As Italian person who spent one year in the Netherlands, I felt understood...:)

Elizabeth Starbuck
15:09 PM December 03, 2012

I completely love invader stu's blog, even after leaving Holland now I STILL read it and it still makes me laugh so much. Just a realistic guy that tells it like it is :)

16:13 PM December 03, 2012

he asks the same questions to the life in Holland as I do....

16:14 PM December 03, 2012

Super funny blogs wich teaches me a lot about my fellow dutchies.

Bill Frankenfield
20:20 PM December 03, 2012

Love the story...love all of Stu's stories

23:58 PM December 03, 2012

Great Blog that makes his life experiences interesting and entertaining

Laurens S
12:10 PM December 04, 2012

Stu's blog is amazing! He has very cool, and confronting stories about us dutchies :)

Anita A.
15:16 PM December 04, 2012


15:34 PM December 04, 2012

Humoristic and very recognizable. Makes me laugh out loud :D

20:02 PM December 04, 2012

Amazing blog which is always a delight to read. Gives me great pleasure just going back and finding old blog posts as all are high quality.

09:39 AM December 05, 2012

This blog delightfully captures what touches our lives in the Netherlands. Puts a smile on your face.

Nicole Mischler
11:20 AM December 05, 2012

I've followed this blog for years. Stu's light and humorous take on living in Holland is always a pleasure to read!

10:39 AM December 06, 2012

Stu's blog is consistently entertaining and nicely observed.

Bobby Johny
21:13 PM December 06, 2012

STU is awesome..!! May the STU win :)

Senno Dora
18:07 PM December 08, 2012

We love reading the stories about the quirky Dutch people seen through the eyes of a quirky Englishman! :-)

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