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Two Americans in China

Two Americans in China
Amanda had a minor in Chinese language and always dreamed of teaching in China but never thought it would actually happen. With her husband's support, her dream and their new life began in China in August of 2010
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- Ten Things to Bring With You for Cooking in China Writing Contest March 2013 Food is cultural. When living in a new country it is great to experience their culture through their food. But what about your own culture’s food? Don’t be so quick to abandon it for something new. In America, we have an abundance of foods from...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: China Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in China!
Copy and paste code to display the Honourable Mention Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 4 reviews on Two Americans in China

Kirsten Jacobsen
05:19 AM November 06, 2012
05:19 AM November 06, 2012

I've been an avid reader of "Two Americans in China" almost as long as I've been in China itself. Amanda covers everything from breaking news to events in Changsha to book reviews, calling out "ugly foreigners," and more. It's a really interesting and informative read every time!

David Normand
10:39 AM November 15, 2012
10:39 AM November 15, 2012

Absolutely top notch. Have been reading it ever since she started it. Informative and entertaining. Ugly forigners is entertaining, while at the same time disturbing. Never thought that visitors (americans and others)could act in such a wierd way in a foreign country. Hopefully, more will read it and learn to watch their behavior when visiting a foreign country.

Sara Taylor
18:34 PM November 27, 2012
18:34 PM November 27, 2012

Im so excited for amanda she is an amazing person and her doing this is a dream you go girl luv u

Christine Brehm
23:27 PM December 20, 2012
23:27 PM December 20, 2012

I find Amandas' blog interesting and I admire her for following her dreams. I do have to say that there are ugly foreigners in all countries. I do not believe the Chinese are the only ones who have this experience, but she is correct in pointing out such things. There are good and bad people of every nationality and they will be good or bad wherever they may travel or live. Other than that, I am always interested in the first hand experiences of those who travel or live abroad, and I was lucky enough to "find" her blog and wish her luck!!!