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Give us this day our daily mango

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Give us this day our daily mango
Family of 5 moves from arizona to belo horizonte brasil, and lives to tell about it
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- 6 months 10 years ago Howdy folks! Yes, I'm still here. Saudades demais. I made my first bolo de cenoura to eat while we are watching Brasil vs Chile today. Recipe from Tudo Gostoso, using the blender (SO Brazilian) and vague directions (3 unidades de cenoura? And what size is a xícara de chá?) We are...
- Last day in Brazil 11 years ago Hi there. I am alive. I did make it through. I will not lie: it has been rough. There have been tears, and exploding microwaves, payments made in the nature of thousands of reais, broken glass, and promises unkept. Moving is never easy, but moving internationally is a whole other...
- Moving sale 11 years ago Venda-se! Ainda tenho uma mesa com 6 cadeiras, uma secretária, duas camas, uma mesinha, artigos de cozinha, livros e arte para vender até o dia 13 de dezembro. http://www.flickr.com/photos/107146577@N03/For Sale! I've still got things for sale: a dining room table and six chairs, a desk, two...
- We're moving 11 years ago I've been trying to think of some nice, creative way to announce our departure, but I've been just too busy. We're moving to the United States. There were many factors involved in our process of making our decision, and the main factor is that we want to be closer to our families. We moved to...
- Açaí (ah-sah-eeee) 11 years ago I can't believe I've never posted about açaí before (besides including it in the top 100 foods list)! Açaí is a berry/fruit that grows on the Açaí palm, which is native to the Amazon. It is usually served as a juice or a puree, sweetened with honey and mixed with yogurt, granola and...
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