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Me 'N' You in Portugal

Me 'N' You in Portugal
My take on the lives, culture, food, music etc. of Portugal and the Portuguese including memories of staying and visiting there over 45 years. Included are building and house and places to visit and stay.
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Website Reviews » There are 6 reviews on Me 'N' You in Portugal

17:00 PM January 28, 2016

Definitely the best blog I have ever visited, and a real insight into the exciting Portuguese lifestyle and culture.

Jeremy Pickard
20:34 PM March 18, 2016

well written and thoughtful blog about an area I love

Tina Somberg-Buiks
18:28 PM April 08, 2016

So interesting to read about a country I don't know anything about and which I'll probably never visit. That however doesn't mean that I'm not interested in the long history, the culture, daily life, festivals, museums and particularly the inhabitants of Portugal. Besides Margaret is a born writer: witty, so knowledgeable and clearly so fond of everything concerning Portugal. This makes that one wouldn't want to miss these stories! Carry on the good work!

Liz Atkinson
17:19 PM April 17, 2016

We live' next door' in Spain, but I have visited Portugal and liked it enormously. It takes time to search out the unusual products or traditions in any country and Margaret is doing a very good job on this. I was blown away by the idea of cork handbags and modern day hermits. I look forward to more stories.....

Janet Eldred
12:42 PM May 01, 2016

As an ex-pat American living in the UK, I find it interesting to learn where British citizens like to explore, work and even live outside of their home country. Margaret has awakened an interest in Portugal, somewhere that for me only meant Renaissance exploration of the New World. The subjects she chooses to write about and photograph give us an insight into the history, culture, food, weather, geography and everyday life of the Portuguese. And Margaret's writing style is easy to enjoy: a bit laid-back, a bit enthusiastic, always curious and warm-hearted. This is a terrific blog!

Diane Clarkson
16:47 PM January 26, 2019

Within the past month my husband and decided we would like to move to Europe and Portugal was always coming up for our needs since we will have to do it on a restricted income. First we want to visit the coastal area this September and want to talk with expats as to where we should start looking to live.

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