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Culturally Discombobulated

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Culturally Discombobulated
Culturally Discombobulated is just what the internet needed - another navel-gazing blog. It's my struggle with living in the land of iHops and Dennys.
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- American Notes: Kit-Kats 7 years ago KIT-KATS: The American classification of kit-kats as candy (sweets) rather than cookies (biscuits) will never stop seeming baffling (fucked up).
- Halloween 7 years ago While actual horror struck Lower Manhattan, the rest of the island mostly shut it out of their minds while indulging in horror of the plastic tat, candy gorging kind. With one eye on the breaking news, I took the four-year-old out. She got to experience all the joy of Halloween – namely, being...
- A potentially not so dark night for America 7 years ago You could tell that today’s news was big because the picture of the Presidential Seal that CNN had as a backdrop for their Manafort coverage was cast in a macabre blood red. Manafort and Gates (can we all, at the very least, agree that this crisis should be dubbed Gatesgate?) are indicted on...
- Rule 58: Independence Day post 7 years ago Life mask of George Washington. Morgan Library, New York, July ’17. “Let your Conversation be without Malice or Envy, for ’tis a Sign of a Tractable and Commendable Nature: And in all Causes of Passion admit Reason to Govern.” Rule 58 of a set of 110 rules for civility and decent behavior...
- Easter Parade 7 years ago First you notice, or, at least, I notice, the dogs. Twitchy, yappy, kitschy dogs in shades and cowboy hats making their way down Fifth Avenue. Most are in prams, but today’s all about one-upmanship so some poor mutts suffer even worst fates. Some terriers in a plastic, remote controlled pink...
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