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American Life. The Italian way

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American Life. The Italian way
I write about American and Italian lifestyles, comparing the culture and traditions, about books translated, about expats, interviews to share inspirational stories. There is also a lot of visual content, which I love!
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- Interview with the translator Katherine Gregor 8 years ago Interview with Katherine Gregor, translator from Italian to English of “Eva Sleeps,” by Francesca Melandri and published by Europa Editions. Among of the many reasons of my black-out in posting, there is the new adventure called The Italian Book Club of Philadelphia…yes, I am leading it, I am...
- Once Upon A Time .... There Was a Nomad Book 9 years ago It was written and published in America in 1965. Mr. Williams was its father, named it Stoner, and gave it this dress. The book was not happy to sit on bookshelves, mostly in bookstores. It waited and waited until one day when a gentleman found it, read it, and loved it. Mr. Colum McCann was […]
- 5 AMAZING PICTURE BOOKS ABOUT MOVING, MIGRANTS & CO. 9 years ago For your kids and for you… I have to admit, I am a big fan of Children’s literature, and of picture books in particular. No matter how, the kid’s corner is my favorite spot at the library, where I can literally spend hours without caring of whining babies around me, of moms and babysitters...
- TIMELINE OF MY 640 DAYS AS AN EXPAT - (PART 3) 9 years ago When you realize that you have settled down And here we come, the last part of my first 640 days as an expat. After having overcome the cultural shock, knocked down the language barrier, and left all the darkest times at our back, we are finally ready for our first longer, healing summer...
- TIMELINE OF AN EXPAT - (PART 2) 9 years ago The New Routine and the Big Drama I think the first day of school should be celebrated worldwide as a recognition that kids need to have a life outside their house. For us, September 2nd 2013, was a new beginning. After a summer full of changes, wild schedules, and jetlag we all desperately needed...
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