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Edge of the Arctic
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- 307 days 11 years ago I’m doing a very difficult thing: I am committing to my career. We all know that a commitment such as this one means giving up vacations with family, evenings or weekends to go the extra mile at the office or … Continue reading →
- Guest Post: Six degrees of separation 11 years ago By My Brother I declare war on “weather whiners.” With the combination of having my international jet-setting sister and her family living in Oslo, available vacation time built up and enough funds stowed away, my wife and I decided that … Continue reading →
- Norway has a new prime minister, but my vote goes to the king 11 years ago It’s hard to get excited about elections in a foreign country. You can’t vote. You’re cautious when discussing the candidates because you’re not sure how to pronounce their names. It would take a dramatic change for a new government to … Continue reading →
- Oslo summer solstice: 19 hours of sunshine 11 years ago Today the sun will shine for 18 hours, 50 minutes and 1 second. Now I realize that in December, when the days are short and the imposing darkness begins to wear on me, I’ll regret having said this: the sun … Continue reading →
- How to make your bed in Norway 11 years ago There are some frustrations of life abroad that are hard to categorize. Some of you may remember my blog post from a few months back where I announced my decision to make Oslo my home. I finally unpacked all of … Continue reading →
Contest Entries »
- Top 9 Adjustments of Living in Norway Writing Contest March 2013 Military time. Checking the time shouldn't involve math but living on the 24-hour-clock has me constantly trying to decipher code. It’s as if Attila the Hun has been reincarnated to keep me on schedule in case he decides to give conquering...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Norway Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Norway!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 4 reviews on Edge of the Arctic

Sana A
11:49 AM October 29, 2012
11:49 AM October 29, 2012

One of my favorite blogs! The blogger highlights unique elements of the Norwegian landscape and makes them strangely relatable to the common reader. She captures the expat vision of settling into a new society in a creative and hilarious fashion. I am always looking forward to the next post and can't wait to see where her blog goes next!

14:43 PM October 29, 2012
14:43 PM October 29, 2012

A fantastic blog filled with wit, charm, and a happily investigative spirit! As a reader from the States, I always enjoy exploring Norway through her eyes! As a journalist and mother, this blogger gives us stories that range from the everyday to the larger societal culture, both of which she presents in an honest, reflective, and comedic fashion. This expat blog is simply a joy and an adventure, not to mention Illuminating and a breath of fresh air. I can't to see how it continues to grow!

13:53 PM October 30, 2012
13:53 PM October 30, 2012

An addictive blog that you will want to see regular posts of. The writer is living in a very unique circumstance, and she also writes with great originality while also making the stories very relatable and funny. This adds up to something that you can not find anywhere else on the internet or in other media. She grabs you with something funny or catchy, and leaves you with a little something to think about for the day. With all of the billions of blogs and writers out there, she manages to stand out and catch you with something insightful, so having this blog as one of your stop-throughs on the internet will add a little something to your daily life that you may not currently have. You will get enriched reading it, don't miss out!

08:59 AM October 31, 2012
08:59 AM October 31, 2012

A delightful view of life near the top of the world, as observed by a talented young writer with a deadpan sense of humour and a gift for finding the unique and interesting in daily life far from the comforts of home. A great read for anyone living abroad or just seeking a window into the richness, variety and enduring appeal of Scandinavian culture.