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pottering around portugal

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pottering around portugal
Days out in Portugal - its cities, towns and beaches. The best of Portugal for an expat audience, looking at places which often don't have a great deal of information written about them, be it in guidebooks or online.
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  • Salt flats, salt marshes and salt soaps 10 years ago Aveiro is built on a lagoon also known as the ria.  In the 1900s the town’s economy grew, partly as a result of the yields of salt drawn from the canals and salt flats which can still bevisited today.  The beautiful Art Nouveau buildings that line the canal in Aveiro were constructed at this...
  • From Viana Do Castelo to the shores of Canada 10 years ago The northern town of Viana do Castelo boasts stunning views of beaches, the Atlantic coastline and blue skies as far as the eye can see.  Viewed from the 20th century church of Santa Luzia on a clear day, the town, beaches and bridge across the river make for a picture postcard photo opportunity....
  • Espionage in Estoril 10 years ago Estoril’s famous casino, the place where Ian Fleming rubbed shoulders with the spies of World War 2 before using it as inspiration for his hit novel Casino Royale,  is just one attraction in the picturesque town of Estoril, located just 35 minutes from Lisbon by train. A wonderful coastal run...
  • Beijinhos from Beja 10 years ago For many, the south of Portugal holds a special charm. It’s easy to get to from the UK, for example, with daily flights connecting local airports throughout the year.  Most people stay in their resorts to relax (and who wouldn’t?) but if you fancy heading a little further afield, the towns of...
  • Art at the adega 10 years ago Tucked away in the small town of Sangalhos is the Aliança winery. Not such a surprise perhaps, given that Portugal is the 12th largest wine producer on the planet.  But what is surprising is that the Aliança winery is more than just a wine production site and shop.  Hidden, literally underneath...

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