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Wandering Polka Dot

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Wandering Polka Dot
A girl from Serbia living, studying and blogging in and about Berlin and Potsdam, Germany. Having lived in Finland and soon moving to the Netherlands as a part of her studies, she enjoys living this international life and writing about it.
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- Weekend Reads #129 3 years ago Happy Spring! I spent the entire day outside yesterday, hence publishing weekend reads on a Sunday. And if there weren't for the Daylight Saving, it would have been only half past noon, so bear with me :) Hope everyone's well, healthy, and in the mood for making the best out of the season—minus...
- Weekend Reads #128 3 years ago Hello there! How is everyone? Are you sick and tired of the pandemic already? (That's actually a pretty stupid question.) Got your vaccine? Convinced someone they should, too? Good on you! Here's your weekly dose of the reads I think you might find interesting. I hope you do! Oh, and happy first...
- Weekend Reads #127 4 years ago Ohh, it's Sunday already! (hence the clocks; I thought an image of the White Rabbit would be a bit cheesy.) Yet, I told myself I wouldn't miss any of the weekends in March, so here I am. Without further ado, because you only have half a day until we turn to yet another manic Monday, please find...
- Weekend Reads #126 4 years ago Now, it would seem I have a complicated relationship with this blog. I don't. I love it, maybe not as much as seven-ish (seven??????) years ago, but it's very dear to me and I cannot imagine forgetting to pay for the domain name and letting it all go. On the other hand, it's been years since I was...
- Weekend Reads #125 4 years ago Well, it seems we only gather here to mark big occasions, such as birthdays and Christmases :) I hope everyone is well—as much as one can be. Stay safe, friends. Drink plenty of fluids, wear masks, wash your hands, find ways to stay connected, but you've done all this, haven't you? Pandemic...
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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Wandering Polka Dot

Aryn Ricardo
16:14 PM November 02, 2014
16:14 PM November 02, 2014

Hey! Loving your blog, I've always been fascinated with Germany, (having been born there) and I am currently conducting thorough research on working, and studying in good ol' Deutschland. What information do you have about becoming a Registered Nurse over yonder?