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Lyon Living

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Lyon Living
A 40-something American expat writes about life, family, and ministry in Lyon, France.
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  • Fruitful Friends 7 years ago People often ask me what I miss the most about Lyon. It's hard to decide, because there were many lovely things about living there, but above all, I miss the friends I made from all around the world. In our ministry to English-speaking internationals, we formed relationships with people from over...
  • Lyon Living in America 8 years ago So, it's been over a year and a half since my last post. I no longer live in Lyon. Last July, our family moved back to America. The verdict? It's been the most depressing 9 months of my life. (I know, this comes as a Big Shock to all expats who have returned to their home country! Ha!)Let me just...
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  • Cultural Sweatpants 9 years ago Hello USA! Our family is taking a short break from France; we will be in the states all summer. We arrived in Charlotte on June 2, after a (thankfully) uneventful flight across the Atlantic. The next day, as Greg and I were running some errands, he asked how I felt to be back in America. I...

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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Lyon Living

Brian Griffiths
15:25 PM March 15, 2015

We are in the process of moving to France (If they will have us!)We are young pensioners who speak poor English and NO French. Our prospect for survival are pretty bleak, however! nothing ventured nothing gained. Our regular jaunts to France has inspired us to try,we do seem to bring out the best in the French people often ending in bouts of laughter as we negotiate Maps,Bills,Entrance fees,Shopping etc. Interestingly several French language disasters have ended with now good French friends visiting us on regular visits to Blighty, where they seem very interested in our Culture, Food,lack of a usable road surface & mostly why we pay cheap prices for un-edible restaurant food. So its off to France possibly the purse won't like it but the stomach will.

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