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Crème de Citron

  • 64
Crème de Citron
Food blog of a French freelance photographer and food lover. Moved to Ireland 8 years ago, a little detour of 3 years Down Under but back for good in this beautiful country.
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  • My Big Move to the Emerald Isle Writing Contest October 2012 Hi, I am a French expat who moved to Dublin, Ireland, eight years ago (and did a little detour of three years via Australia). A bit more than eight years ago, I decided I wanted to live abroad as I never felt really at home in my own country. My...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Ireland Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Ireland!

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Website Reviews » There are 64 reviews on Crème de Citron

Sue Green
16:43 PM October 27, 2012

Super ! Manifique ! Beautiful cooking and beautiful photography. Makes your mouth water just looking at the pictures..and all those wonderful delicate flavours...

Antonio Steverink
01:04 AM October 28, 2012

Truly passionate descriptive. I could almost smell and taste the food. How do we get an invite to one of those French weddings?

10:16 AM October 29, 2012

Just great! I love it! ...and there are some gluten free recipes!! The picture are beautiful!!

Tony Cogavin
10:24 AM October 29, 2012

I love this blog. Interesting stories and descriptions of mouth watering foods with really excellent, vivid photographs of ingredients and complete dishes. Yolene has a really great eye.

10:53 AM October 29, 2012

AMAZING!!! You marry your passion for food and photography perfectly! and for the guys who know nothing about the food or the photography, I'm quite sure you just make them salivate in front of their screen! So I just have to say... CONGRATULATION!!!! keep making us dreaming!!!!!

Jeanne-marie Ryan
11:24 AM October 29, 2012

Wonderfully vivid photography and evocative descriptions and recipes of Yolene's gastronomical delights - I greatly enjoy this blog!

22:41 PM October 29, 2012

Aussi délectable sur le plan esthético-photographique que culinaire ; de quoi donner envie aux esprits les plus indifférents à la nourriture et imperméables à la gastronomie. Complimenti e buona continuazione.

09:56 AM October 30, 2012

Great blog that makes you drool! The pics are amazing and the recipes are great. Well done Yolene and thanks for rocking our foodie world!

10:58 AM October 31, 2012

Beutiful blog with such mouth-watering recipes and photos!

11:12 AM October 31, 2012

I love this blog. Beautiful photographs, great descriptions and a real passion for food!

18:03 PM October 31, 2012

Lovely blog!

Keith Hutton
20:15 PM October 31, 2012

Great blog. I swear the photos come with the aroma!!

20:32 PM October 31, 2012

Je l'adore.

20:35 PM October 31, 2012

Oh I LOvE it!! Im Hungry!!xooxox

20:42 PM October 31, 2012

I salivate just thinking about this blog.

Julie Stojanovski
22:08 PM October 31, 2012

Such a fabulous blog!!! I honestly look forword to reading it everyday on the tram on my way into work!!! The food is so descriptive I'm always starving by the time I get off the tram!! Magnifique blog!!

01:33 AM November 01, 2012

Delicious, funny and warm. A great blog!

L Fekete
09:32 AM November 01, 2012

I just want to eat everything on this blog!

09:58 AM November 01, 2012

Having had the pleasure of eating most (if not all) of the dishes on this blog, I promise you that they taste as good as they look.

11:08 AM November 01, 2012

I love this blog - the photos are amazing!!

Monica Gonzalez
18:02 PM November 03, 2012

A great blog! Yolene has the power to make you fall in love with food...lovely stories, pictures and recipes...

21:26 PM November 04, 2012

I have to remember to keep from actually putting my face through the computer screen in the attempt to devour these delicious recipes! Wonderful stuff!

11:47 AM November 05, 2012

Reeeeeeeally nice blog! I love it! The pictures are so beautiful! Really great job.

16:19 PM November 08, 2012

I love your blog !!!your photos are beautiful, lots of luck for the future ... Louis

Bobbie Ryan
22:39 PM November 08, 2012

Love the Blog. Looking forward to reading about the 6 different Christmases & I'll definitedly be trying the Rocky White Christmas Road recipe.

Aine Kilroy
16:27 PM November 13, 2012

Great blog for anyone who loves food - photography is fantastic and the food is delicious, love the Christmas recipes idea!

13:17 PM November 19, 2012

Such a good blog with original recipes illustrated by beautiful photographies

21:50 PM November 19, 2012

Wonderful pictures and great looking food! It all looks and sounds amazing~!

15:45 PM November 20, 2012

Congrats for this blog full of beautiful pics and tasty recipes!

17:45 PM November 21, 2012

great and nice blog! love your food blog and your amazing photograhy blog!

20:00 PM November 21, 2012

Hmmmm, yummy, yummy blog, love it, I like the last 6 christmases idea, it's great :)Carry one,...Please!

00:19 AM November 22, 2012

Very nice and talented photograph, everytime I look one of your photo I want to eat it!! Please go on, it's good to see a lot of passion!

08:53 AM November 23, 2012

Very good job!! The photography are wonderful and I just want to eat everything I see!! Amazing!!

09:18 AM November 25, 2012

Fantastic blog!!! Original ideas, great photos and professional design. Congratulations!!!

21:00 PM November 25, 2012

Très beau blog: de super idées, des photos parfaites... A quand la sortie d'un livre? Continue à nous faire rêver!

18:54 PM November 26, 2012

Miam! Beautiful photos that make the mouth water!

19:57 PM November 26, 2012

Hmmmmm this blog makes you want to follow it immediatley ! Appetizing photos, bravo !!!

21:04 PM November 26, 2012

Wonderful blog! A great narrative thread to them. An Irish Christmas sounds ace! Lovely photography.

22:11 PM November 26, 2012

Love the 6 Christmas articles and delicious rocky road!

23:28 PM November 26, 2012

Just loved the blog ..... Thanks heaps

Helen Ellis
00:02 AM November 27, 2012

Love the latest blog, the gluten free gingerbread is amazing and the photos are stunning. Hope my turns out that well when I've finished.

00:22 AM November 27, 2012

Amazing blog. Mouth watering food with great photographs. Keep up the good work.

10:44 AM November 27, 2012

Wonderful blog ! Keep up the great work ! :)

10:45 AM November 27, 2012

Wonderful blog! Gourmet recipes and beautiful photos! I want to eat everything :)

Phoebe Toal
11:52 AM November 27, 2012

Great blog, full of cute ideas and lovely stories.

11:57 AM November 27, 2012

Yummy gingerbread ! Love your photos :-)

21:40 PM November 27, 2012

Great stuff, can't wait to try out some of these recipes myself!

22:34 PM November 27, 2012

Awesome blog! Stunning photos, mouth-watering food and beautifully descriptive writing all in one delicious little package!

13:50 PM November 29, 2012

I'd write a longer message but this blog has made me hungry :)

Lia O'Connell
21:34 PM December 01, 2012

Excellent. Loved loved loved the photographs and yummo recipes too .

02:53 AM December 02, 2012

Yolene is a talented cook and photographer. Her recipes are very inspiring and her creativity is contagious! Great work, thank you for sharing with us!

19:53 PM December 06, 2012

Beautiful food, beautiful words makes for a beautiful blog! Love it!

13:05 PM December 07, 2012

Love this blog! Apart from the yummy recipes & amazing photos, Yolenes style of writing is so descriptive & candid, it makes for great reading too.

17:36 PM December 09, 2012

Your blog makes me hungry !! I love it !!

11:14 AM December 10, 2012

Thanks Yolène for this blog!! That is sooooo fantastic!! I want eat everything!! Beautiful cooking and fabulous photography!!!JUST GREAT!!

12:30 PM December 10, 2012

Now I'm very hungry, so I eat screen of my computer!!!!!

18:37 PM December 10, 2012

Sympa ton blog, bien illustré.

Coraline Bousseau
06:35 AM December 11, 2012

Every time I go on this blog I want to cook myself such beautilful recipes, they seem sooooo good, and, when it's done, they are actually really good! That's great, thank you so much, Yolène!

12:31 PM December 11, 2012

such a cute blog, the recipes are incredible & inspirational!

21:10 PM December 11, 2012

i'm fond of this blog it's great!!! the photos are very beautiful and i like all of them !!! all is too crunchy i love love don't stop!bravissimo!

18:01 PM December 12, 2012

Great blog ! Beautiful photos and stories.

Simon Ashe-Browne
22:32 PM December 12, 2012

Great design, beautiful pictures and delicious recipes.

13:36 PM December 07, 2015

Some of the most delicious recipes, and pictures, i've seen on a blog. Always with a fresh twist. je l'aime! xx

Emily O'Connell
14:03 PM December 07, 2015

Beautiful photography, tasteful design, and mouth-watering recipes. (Oh My!) I love this blog so much!

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