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Pick the wildcard
A Scottish girl moved to the south of Germany via the Netherlands. Now teaching English, having a daily battle with the German language and loving it.
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  • new starts, new names 10 years ago If you are seeing this post - and I hope you are, as that means I've set all my redirects up correctly! - then you'll probably be wondering whose this strange blog is. I've gone for a name change which I think better reflects my life and the things I want to post about. "Bobbins" for the crazy...
  • postcards from bavaria: Höllenthalklamm / Höllenthal gorge 10 years ago For the last three weeks, my boyfriend's brother has been visiting us. Since he's come all the way from Canada and is very much a Germany fanatic (it seems to run in the family), we've done a lot of outings, daytrips and eaten so much local fare. Since getting a full time job, my excitement at...
  • life + living: changes a-plenty 10 years ago   Life has got busy. Suddenly. It started on a Tuesday evening. I was home from teaching my one class that day and received an email from the director of the language school I freelanced at and in the process of baking a cake (because when I get a free afternoon, that is often what I do. My...
  • happenings der woche v1 10 years ago I say this every week, but phew, what a week. I swear my life just gets busier and busier! This week has brought two interviews and two exams. Nothing like getting things out of the way all in one, right?Monday brought heavy rain and a forgotten-about-till-I-checked-my-planner day off work.Tuesday...
  • very german things: where natural water is unnatural water 10 years ago   Wilkommen in Deutschland. You've touched down in whichever Flughafen, found your luggage (which fortunately didn't end up somewhere else, phew) and are heading for your onward connection. But first, you'll get a bottle of water before you start your journey which will inevitably take you through...

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