My Francophile Year

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My Francophile Year
A diary of our family adventure of living in rural Provence and the travels we take, as well.
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  • Home 10 years ago    You may remember we acquired a kitten while in France. A soft, cuddly thing to love when we were feeling homesick. She provided us with much entertainment and needless to say, had to come back to the States with us. I was dreading the trip with her as getting her into a crate to go to a vet...
  • Last Market for Me 10 years ago    I woke up early the day before departure, restless but tired, needing to embrace every last minute of our year abroad. I ran into town to hit the boulangerie for a last Sacristan pastry and bid farewell to our favorite Patissier. It was market day- I will miss these regular village gatherings,...
  • Saying Good Bye is Tres Difficile 10 years ago    Bags are in the car, house is clean and we are very patiently awaiting our return to the USA. Yes, we are all very excited to see our friends and family. But as I watch my kids move about today, there is a sense of mourning. I feel it too. Our neighbors, our commune, have become family. Being...
  • Last Market Makes a Good Meal 10 years ago    I woke up early this morning, remembering at day break that it was my last full day in France. I went to bed last night feeling the same way- as soon as the rain passed, I just wanted to be outside, listening to the coo-coo birds and frogs,soaking in every last minute until dark fell at...
  • The End is Near 10 years ago    We are literally counting down the hours until our departure. The house is looking very empty, the fridge even more so. Every moment is being savored by either a last visit to favorite towns nearby, lounging in the sun at our house and of course, a last visit to the sea yesterday.   The... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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