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Dorky Mum

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Dorky Mum
I'm Ruth Dawkins - a 30 year old Scottish woman, currently living in Hobart, Tasmania with my husband and four year old son. My blog is about parenting, politics, photography, travel... and anything else that takes my fancy.
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- Spring 2021 3 years ago Last Saturday was DorkyDad’s birthday and it began, as all the best birthdays do, with the dog jumping up onto our bed and vomiting all over it. We hurried her back downstairs into her crate to let DorkyDad enjoy half an hour’s peace and quiet – drinking coffee and opening his presents, which...
- Puppy life: one month in 3 years ago (There have been so many interruptions to my attempts to sit down and write this blog that it’s now a week out of date! We’ve had Luna for five weeks, not four. Ach well… most of it still stands. Better done than perfect, right?) This weekend marked a month since DorkyDog joined our family....
- Introducing DorkyDog 3 years ago We have been talking about getting a dog for years. Literally years. We made several trips out to the Hobart Dogs Home. We followed the Facebook Pages for every rescue centre in the state. We asked friends to keep an ear out for local puppers needing a good home. But the timing never felt quite...
- Twelve 3 years ago “Eleven sucked,” says DorkySon. “Eleven sucks for everyone,” DorkyDad and I say simultaneously. We laugh at this, sitting around the table after DorkySon has finished eating the birthday meal he requested – pasta followed by red velvet cake. There is an element of truth in our...
- The one where DorkyDad publishes a book... 4 years ago This isn’t so much a blog post as it is a wee boast… With everything else DorkyDad had going on last year, he could have been forgiven for not putting pen to paper even once. But somehow in among it all he found time and energy to pull together a full-length poetry manuscript and – […]
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