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Walking through Transitions

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Walking through Transitions
This blog is about finding happiness in a new country. I focus on what it means to be an introvert and a Highly Sensitive Person in America, how I am adapting to cultural differences as well as what it means to create a home away from home.
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- A Quote from Fraser Boa 9 years ago I was once told that it wasn't important if I understood my dreams. What was important was that the dreams understood me. My attitude toward my dreams would determine their attitude toward me. It's a living dialogue. When we listen to dreams, we change, and when dreams are heard, they change. I...
- Living on the Star-trails of Fantasy 9 years ago In her wonderfully evocative and imaginative book, What It Is, the multi-talented Lynda Barry maps her own journey as a creative person using drawings and words. She tells us things about her own explorations. She asks us questions about our own journey.On a page brimming with her drawings -- a...
- Negative Imagination 9 years ago In Julia Cameron's lovely book Walking in This World, I recently re-read something about worry and negative imagination that stood out to me. If you are a sensitive person who worries a lot and finds themselves tripping over unruly fears, then this might resonate with you too. Julia begins by...
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- Into the Well of our Dreams 9 years ago At the beginning of this year, I slipped through the fissures of my changing life and into my dream world. I have always had vivid dreams, especially at times of major changes. When I shifted from India to the States a few years back, my dreams were filled with symbolic images. One of them was of...
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