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Surviving in Japan

Surviving in Japan
Unique resources and how-to guides for expats living in Japan
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Japan Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Japan!
Copy and paste code to display the Gold Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 2 reviews on Surviving in Japan

Carole Hallett Mobbs
13:44 PM November 21, 2012
13:44 PM November 21, 2012

Possibly the most useful blog in the world, let alone Japan. Ashley's tireless work made my 5 years in Japan much easier to navigate. Although I left the country last year, I still can't resist looking back regularly for updates and to indulge my nostalgia. Keep up the great work, Ashley!

Anthony Baker
18:37 PM December 09, 2012
18:37 PM December 09, 2012

I really loved your blog, it sounds exactly like the kind of experience I'm looking for when I go to Japan this summer. I've been working on a plan for the last few weeks and just reading blogs like yours and looking up trip destinations makes me all the more excited and nervous at the same time. If possible could I email you and ask you some more detailed questions about your journey's to Japan?