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Foodie & Fabulous

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Foodie & Fabulous
A Goan living in Abu Dhabi,UAE; A Foodie Blogger with Fabulous Taste Buds. Wanderlust. Book Hoarder. List Maker. Always Curious. Always Laughing Out Loud! Sharing kitchen experiments, family recipes with a twist, dining experiences to food-centric travel diaries from everywhere in the world!
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Website Reviews » There are 17 reviews on Foodie & Fabulous

09:05 AM June 03, 2014

Amazing blog with amazing pictures! It makes you hungry everytime you read the reviews. Very user-friendly page with a human element which makes you want to visit the page even more.

Dr Diksha Raiturkar
11:18 AM June 03, 2014

Love t blog for t yummy easy to make recipes!! The restaurant ramblings makes me wanna visit those places all over again!!! Keep up t good work!!

Alysha Lobo
05:37 AM June 04, 2014

An excellent blog with aromatic insights in to myriads of food types and locations.

Anji Sethi
13:39 PM June 04, 2014

True to its name, this blog is everything it claims. For the foodies, travelers and young hearted. The blogger clearly showcases an extra effort in every post and review. The depiction of food cleverly surrounds travel adventures as well. Kudos to this blogger - crisp writer, brilliant visuals and honest reviews.

Prajal Bhatikar
06:52 AM June 08, 2014

Awesome blog with yummy easy to make recipes. Keep it going girl!!!

09:54 AM June 09, 2014

Love the blog - It is well written and makes you feel like you are a part of the writers experience, especially the travel posts! The recipes are easy to follow and the pictures, mouth-watering! Keep up the good work!

Karina Pinto
10:13 AM June 09, 2014

My foodie inspiration and close friend!! Love this blog and everytime I read about her food experiences, I salivate! Keep going coz if you stop, I'll perish..:p

Karan Shah
13:39 PM June 09, 2014

Awesome reviews and pictures!

Gauri Gonsalves
12:25 PM June 10, 2014

Passion is pouring out of every word and image on this blog! Such a delight to read, not to mention the outstanding photography! You've got yourself a fan!!( and many more I'm sure!) Kudos!!

Koel Ghosh Mishra
09:08 AM July 01, 2014

This is a fabulous blog!! The pictures and very detailed and easy to understand recipes definitely make it stand out amongst so many others!! This blog has the power to convert, someone almost disinterested in food and cooking, into a foodie and hence an experimental cook!! Speaking from experience, I am a proud convert !! Kudos!!

09:30 AM July 01, 2014

I just love reading this awesome blog.. Outstanding photography pictures..Great restaurant reviews. I just can't stop reading it over and over again. Hats off to your passion and dedication foodie & Fabulous.. I must say.. Truly,its a Fabulous Foodie Blog.

09:59 AM July 03, 2014

Awesome sauce...!

Sharmad Raiturkar
06:30 AM July 09, 2014

Absolutely fabulous work!!!! Enjoy every bit of it!!! T pics r yummylicious!!!

21:15 PM August 08, 2014

Really easy and entertaining read! And even better food pictures! Keep up the good work Foodie & Fabulous

08:12 AM August 13, 2014

Great to see a Goan writing such an amazing blog! The recipes are easy to follow. Love the travel stories! Great job :)

06:43 AM August 26, 2014

Her blog is well spaced...appeals to all ages and pallates...her recipes are homely yet have a sophistication..her travelogues and pictures makes one wanna travel to the destinations just to eat what she's clicked and shared.

04:30 AM March 01, 2015

I've been enjoying reading foodie & fabulous from the get go and its great to see how well its evolved.I always look forward to the travel stories, they help me plan mine. The pictures are always exceptional!

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