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SoCal to Shanghai

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SoCal to Shanghai
This blog documents a Southern California couple's adventure in and around Shanghai. You will find posts about food, travel, and general observations of the expat life.
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- We've moved! 10 years ago Hello friends. As you may have noticed, I've moved my blog over to a new domain: Work Travel Balance.Please update your bookmarks and visit me at the new site.
- Travel Tip Tuesday: Go Boutique 10 years ago When booking hotels, its very easy to just go with an international chain. With large chains, you know exactly what to expect, and can rack up some points with the stay. However, don't overlook alternative accommodations when you're planning trips. Bed and Breakfasts or boutique hotels often offer...
- Travel Tip Tuesday: Street Food Rules 10 years ago Traveling to Asia? You will probably come across an abundance of street food. They often look and smell amazingly delicious.... but is it safe to eat? Here are a few rules that I tend to follow, and it has served me well:- Know your destination: Not all cities are made the same. Do a little...
- 2014 - The Year of Travel 10 years ago 2014 was pretty epic. It's the year where we really made Shanghai our home. It's also the year we did more traveling than we've ever done before... visiting Japan, Cambodia, India, Thailand, and several new cities in China. We loved every moment of it, and instead of curing that travel bug, we are...
- Travel Tip Tuesday: Local Language 10 years ago 请带我去新天地Please take me to XintiandiTraveling to China or somewhere where English is not widely spoken? It's immensely helpful to have your destinations written out in the local language. While you're still planning your trip, keep note of the names and addresses in the local language...
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