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Andy in the Andes

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Andy in the Andes
The adventures of a British doctor working in rural Ecuador for the charity Project Ecuador. Eating guinea pig and maggots - no problem. Homeschooling two little girls and doctoring the locals - more of a challenge. Laughter, tears, joy.
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Website Reviews » There are 20 reviews on Andy in the Andes

00:24 AM January 27, 2014

An amazingly emotive blog. Always a joy to read and extremely interesting to get a glimpse into life in Ecuador.

Christine Muir
06:49 AM January 27, 2014

Excellent way to keep up to date with what is happening, look forward to every update.

Ruth Mitchell
08:00 AM January 27, 2014

Very honest work, from real experience of a mother of two, professional worker and someone who really cares.

Maryon Gardiner
09:34 AM January 27, 2014

An excellent blog that keeps followers and supporters in touch with the more day to day events and happenings in Ecuador. It also is an insight into how Andy copes personally with the challenges that face her daily. Very honest reports, as I have experienced on visits. Definitely worth reading and passing on to others who have appreciated reading them also. They stimulates interest by others in the work in Ecuador when I have had copies available at meetings where I have been talking about the work.

Elisa Leeming
09:35 AM January 27, 2014

Excellent Blog. Lots of interesting and fascinating stories. Keep up with the good work. :)

Lorna Goldring
10:38 AM January 27, 2014

Fascinating insight into life in Ecuador

Sheila Macdonald
12:38 PM January 27, 2014

great work

Rachel Mason
12:50 PM January 27, 2014

So inspiring, I am very proud of you

Ron Treby
14:04 PM January 27, 2014

Always fascinating to read and informs us about life in Ecuador.

Charlotte Ireland
14:43 PM January 27, 2014

Really inspiring, interesting, Funny and heart warming blog.

Moira Lane
16:23 PM January 27, 2014

Andreas writing brings Ecuador to life for many of us who may well never get to see this beautiful country. She's doing such an amazing job out there.

18:39 PM January 27, 2014

Fabulous, fascinating, inspiring, challenging...

Judith Benson
22:42 PM January 27, 2014

It is so interesting to hear about the life in such a different part of the world, I look forward to hearing a lot more!

23:40 PM January 29, 2014

Love this blog. Real insight into Andrea's experience of living and working in Ecuador.

Brenda Elliott
02:51 AM January 30, 2014

Now it takes a lot of gumption and faith to spend your life in a foreign country with young daughters to teach these less fortunate students. Hooray for Andy in the Andies....

14:26 PM January 30, 2014

A great, insightful, inspiring read!

Gillian Cook
19:22 PM January 30, 2014

Amazing challenging and inspirational blog.......what a challenge to raise two kids in a foreign country, then home school them, quite apart from being a doctor and author.......well done Andrea, love your blog

Janet L.
02:09 AM April 22, 2014

Beautifully written. Wonderfully thought through. And flat-out inspiring.

14:15 PM October 22, 2014

hi.. really like your blog and great work on what you are doing. i plan to come to Ecuador in January and plan to stay, would be very interested in doing volunteering. hope to get contact to find out more.

Todd Gorishek
12:33 PM June 10, 2017

Andy your blog is really cool and great. I honestly admired your words. You got a real experience in Ecuador.

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